Thursday, 29 November 2012
MEST 2 Intial Thoughts.
Me, Gagan N, and Anita are working together to produce a fiction product and print teaser ad campaign. We will be filming a 2mins opening sequence of our TV program and it will be a hybrid of Waterloo Road and Misfits. This is because, Misfits is a E4 program and the whole brief is about targeting E4's demographic (15-35) therefore Misfits would be a appropriate TV program to research about. Even though Waterloo Road is a BBC TV program the story lines used, would be appropriate when we are producing our final product.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Ill Manors - Plan B (Case Study)
Peachy Colour : Key Media Terminology
Blue: Important Points
Ill Manors is a low budget UK film and is directed by a successful singer, rapper, actor and songwriter Plan B. The film is promoted through Plan B music video, which is effective on the audience because, it would make then intrigued in wanting to know what the film is going to be about. This is known as synergy as they used one form of media (the film) to promote another form of media and back again ( music video). Also, this is good branding as they have put the name of the song, album and film the same name, therefore this conveys an effective brand awareness/identity as the audience would clearly be aware of the film. The track was released in the UK on the 25th March 2012, however the song was written in reaction to the 2011 riots across England; song highlights Plan B perception of "society failure to nature its disadvantaged youth". Furthermore, Ill Manors mostly received positive music critics and the song made number 6 on the UK Single Charts.
The Guardian Newspaper Dorina Lynskey stated about this music video as " the first great mainstream protest in years". This could suggest, that the song conveys how unfairly individuals from a deprived area is being treated compared to wealthy people, and the government does not help either. Additionally, the song concentrates on society attitude and perspective towards the disadvantaged youth population of UK, which are teenagers living in council estates. The song was first broadcasted on BBC Radio 1, which is a good branding as BBC Radio 1 is a popular radio station as it is part of BBC; more people are likely to hear it. Also, you would not expect this kind of genre of song to be broadcasted on BBC Radio 1 as it is all about anti-government, however the song is reaching out a message to society working class people are being treated.
The values promoted through this song is the idea of anti-government as it is a protest song, therefore supporting the working class. Also, in terms of the type of reading, Ill Manors supports the counter hegemonic idea, as it is against the rich and they are promoting that we need more equality in society. Moreover, the music video was was filmed in February 2012 and directed by Yann Demange . The music video is effective as it uses some footage of the 2011 London riots and David Cameron which highlights the theme of 'Anti-Government'. (Reception) Critics have described this song as either being good or bad: The Independent, Tim Walker Stated " an-all time great protest song" and David Smyth of London Evening Standard enjoyed the song as he praised Plan B " say something bold". However, a contrasting opinion is by columnist Samuel Breen who also writes for The Independent newspaper stated "a cliché riddled attack on politics that feels calculated, impersonal, and disingenuous."
The album was released on the 7th of May 2012, and Plan B stated about his album "You could call 'Ill Manors'' bassline, soul, hip-hop. The album has the lyrical depth of my first record but the musical composition is light years ahead as it's informed by everything I've learnt in the last five years - writing, producing and playing with a live band. I feel I'm better than I've ever been"
This could suggest, his album is a reflection of his life so far; from childhood to now.
(Section A Style Questions: 20mins on each P.E.E)
1) Media Representation: How is gender/ethnicity/age represented on the video?
Firstly, the video promotes a dominant representation on teenagers who have been brought up from a deprived area, such as council estates. This is conveyed through the costumes of the teenagers wearing hoodies, bottoms, scarves covering their faces ect. This represents the teenagers as being deviant/criminals in society due to their appearances and the props used in the video, such as carrying knives, throwing items on cars This is effective in filming the characters being harmful to society as Plan B is challenging the stereotype. This is because, this music video highlights people from middle class background perspective on individuals from a low background and how they look down on them. However, even though Plan B is against how council estate individuals are treated, he acts as the role of being deviant as well, to make the point that the government is not helping . During the video he constantly makes reference to the prim minister could convey his hatred towards him Plan B; anti-government protest song. Evidence to support this is through what he says: "We've had it with you politicians you bloody rich kids never listen, There's no such thing as broken Britain, we're just blood broke in Britain, What needs fixing is the system, not show windows down in Brixton" - This could suggest, if the government does not help people from a deprived area there would be more social problems. Secondly, as Plan B represented as being deviant in his own video, he could be stating a message to the audience, that individuals from a working class and deprived background, can be successful as well; just like him.
Moreover, the ethnic group black and white are represented as being rebellious in this video. This is clearly, shown through them breaking windows, fighting with each other, jumping on cars, lighting up fire on buildings ect. However, this is a stereotype as not all black or white teenagers behave in this deviant way. Furthermore, clearly the gender being stereotyped throughout this video are boys. This could connote, that boys are seen as being violent, aggressive and deviant in society compared to girls.
2) Media Audience: Who does this text/artist appeal to and why?
The psycho graphic group this music video would appeal to is struggler and reformers. Struggler seek escape therefore this video represents the deprived teenagers as being deviant as they cannot afford the luxurious and desirable lifestyle, the "rich kids" have. This conveys that they would rebel against the government policies in order for the prim minister to make a change in order to help them. Also,throughout the video we can recognise that the teenagers have a low self -esteem, alienated and are aggressive, which makes them behave in a criminal way; these key words link to the psycho graphic group. The video appeals to reformers as well because Plan B is highlighting freedom and equality in society, for working class families. Furthermore, the socio-economic classification for this video is clearly group E, which are people subsisting on state benefits, This is because, the whole video is promoting the idea of how the government is not helping those people who are living in council estates, and relying on state benefits. This could suggest that this specific group would be appeal to this artist as Plan B has been brought up from and deprived background, however he worked hard to become successful; individuals can relate/apsis to be like him.
According to theorist Blumler and Katz the uses and gratifications which would appeal to the audience would be; social interaction (escapism) and information (surveillance) . This is because, whilst watching this video the audience would be socially interacted as they can release emotions and be able to relax and enjoy; engaging their mind with something. Also, information is important for this video as the audience would be able to find out about the world and learn new things. In this case, they would be informed about how on how underprivileged people are treated.
3)Media Forms: What Technique does the video use to establish the setting and engage the audience?
Firstly, the fast pace editing used in this video clearly establish the setting as the audience would be aware of what is happening. This is effective as fast editing follows the conventions of a typical music video, which would appeal to the audience because they would be intrigued in watching more. Also, towards the end of the music video the lighting drastically changes by going dim which makes the fire some of the teenagers holding stand out. The lighting is effective on the audience because it creates more of a dangerous atmosphere, highlighting that deprived teenagers are going to rebel against state polices unless the government helps them. The costume all of the teenagers wear in the video including Plan B are hoodies, track suit bottoms, trainers ect, which represents them as being deviant. However, through this representation Plan B could be playing up to this stereotype as being rebellious and behaving in a criminal way to prove a point to people that government are not helping those who are in need. Moreover, the camera shots/movement are effective in this video in establishing to the audience the lives of council estate children. There are a variety of camera framing used throughout such as long/medium shots which are both effective in establishing the actions. The medium shot of Plan B face, is also effective as it conveys his facial expressions on how he feels about this matter. Where as the camera movement such as tracking is effective as it highlights to the audience the actions which is taking place in the scene. For instance tracking movement is used in some of the footage in the video from the 2011 riots, which establishes the setting as it shows the audience what happened. This engages the audience, because they would be more aware of the problems occurring due to the government not helping which makes the poor suffer more.
4) Media Institutions: In what ways is the video typical of music videos and what values does it promote?
The music video is called Ill Manors and the genre is a hip-hop. The genre conventions in this video which makes it a typical music video, is through fast editing, main character, and themes about struggles, prejudice or inequality. The values being promoted throughout the song is supporting the working class as it is a anti-government protest song. This conveys, it is going against the hegomoic idea of the rich taking over society therefore, the song is promoting the idea of more equality. The track was released in the UK in March 2012 through the American company Atlantic Records (a subsidiary of the Warner Music Group conglomerate)
The Guardian Newspaper Dorina Lynskey stated about this music video as " the first great mainstream protest in years". This could suggest, that the song conveys how unfairly individuals from a deprived area is being treated compared to wealthy people, and the government does not help either. Additionally, the song concentrates on society attitude and perspective towards the disadvantaged youth population of UK, which are teenagers living in council estates. The song was first broadcasted on BBC Radio 1, which is a good branding as BBC Radio 1 is a popular radio station as it is part of BBC; more people are likely to hear it. Also, you would not expect this kind of genre of song to be broadcasted on BBC Radio 1 as it is all about anti-government, however the song is reaching out a message to society working class people are being treated.
The values promoted through this song is the idea of anti-government as it is a protest song, therefore supporting the working class. Also, in terms of the type of reading, Ill Manors supports the counter hegemonic idea, as it is against the rich and they are promoting that we need more equality in society. Moreover, the music video was was filmed in February 2012 and directed by Yann Demange . The music video is effective as it uses some footage of the 2011 London riots and David Cameron which highlights the theme of 'Anti-Government'. (Reception) Critics have described this song as either being good or bad: The Independent, Tim Walker Stated " an-all time great protest song" and David Smyth of London Evening Standard enjoyed the song as he praised Plan B " say something bold". However, a contrasting opinion is by columnist Samuel Breen who also writes for The Independent newspaper stated "a cliché riddled attack on politics that feels calculated, impersonal, and disingenuous."
The album was released on the 7th of May 2012, and Plan B stated about his album "You could call 'Ill Manors'' bassline, soul, hip-hop. The album has the lyrical depth of my first record but the musical composition is light years ahead as it's informed by everything I've learnt in the last five years - writing, producing and playing with a live band. I feel I'm better than I've ever been"
This could suggest, his album is a reflection of his life so far; from childhood to now.
(Section A Style Questions: 20mins on each P.E.E)
1) Media Representation: How is gender/ethnicity/age represented on the video?
Firstly, the video promotes a dominant representation on teenagers who have been brought up from a deprived area, such as council estates. This is conveyed through the costumes of the teenagers wearing hoodies, bottoms, scarves covering their faces ect. This represents the teenagers as being deviant/criminals in society due to their appearances and the props used in the video, such as carrying knives, throwing items on cars This is effective in filming the characters being harmful to society as Plan B is challenging the stereotype. This is because, this music video highlights people from middle class background perspective on individuals from a low background and how they look down on them. However, even though Plan B is against how council estate individuals are treated, he acts as the role of being deviant as well, to make the point that the government is not helping . During the video he constantly makes reference to the prim minister could convey his hatred towards him Plan B; anti-government protest song. Evidence to support this is through what he says: "We've had it with you politicians you bloody rich kids never listen, There's no such thing as broken Britain, we're just blood broke in Britain, What needs fixing is the system, not show windows down in Brixton" - This could suggest, if the government does not help people from a deprived area there would be more social problems. Secondly, as Plan B represented as being deviant in his own video, he could be stating a message to the audience, that individuals from a working class and deprived background, can be successful as well; just like him.
Moreover, the ethnic group black and white are represented as being rebellious in this video. This is clearly, shown through them breaking windows, fighting with each other, jumping on cars, lighting up fire on buildings ect. However, this is a stereotype as not all black or white teenagers behave in this deviant way. Furthermore, clearly the gender being stereotyped throughout this video are boys. This could connote, that boys are seen as being violent, aggressive and deviant in society compared to girls.
2) Media Audience: Who does this text/artist appeal to and why?
The psycho graphic group this music video would appeal to is struggler and reformers. Struggler seek escape therefore this video represents the deprived teenagers as being deviant as they cannot afford the luxurious and desirable lifestyle, the "rich kids" have. This conveys that they would rebel against the government policies in order for the prim minister to make a change in order to help them. Also,throughout the video we can recognise that the teenagers have a low self -esteem, alienated and are aggressive, which makes them behave in a criminal way; these key words link to the psycho graphic group. The video appeals to reformers as well because Plan B is highlighting freedom and equality in society, for working class families. Furthermore, the socio-economic classification for this video is clearly group E, which are people subsisting on state benefits, This is because, the whole video is promoting the idea of how the government is not helping those people who are living in council estates, and relying on state benefits. This could suggest that this specific group would be appeal to this artist as Plan B has been brought up from and deprived background, however he worked hard to become successful; individuals can relate/apsis to be like him.
According to theorist Blumler and Katz the uses and gratifications which would appeal to the audience would be; social interaction (escapism) and information (surveillance) . This is because, whilst watching this video the audience would be socially interacted as they can release emotions and be able to relax and enjoy; engaging their mind with something. Also, information is important for this video as the audience would be able to find out about the world and learn new things. In this case, they would be informed about how on how underprivileged people are treated.
3)Media Forms: What Technique does the video use to establish the setting and engage the audience?
Firstly, the fast pace editing used in this video clearly establish the setting as the audience would be aware of what is happening. This is effective as fast editing follows the conventions of a typical music video, which would appeal to the audience because they would be intrigued in watching more. Also, towards the end of the music video the lighting drastically changes by going dim which makes the fire some of the teenagers holding stand out. The lighting is effective on the audience because it creates more of a dangerous atmosphere, highlighting that deprived teenagers are going to rebel against state polices unless the government helps them. The costume all of the teenagers wear in the video including Plan B are hoodies, track suit bottoms, trainers ect, which represents them as being deviant. However, through this representation Plan B could be playing up to this stereotype as being rebellious and behaving in a criminal way to prove a point to people that government are not helping those who are in need. Moreover, the camera shots/movement are effective in this video in establishing to the audience the lives of council estate children. There are a variety of camera framing used throughout such as long/medium shots which are both effective in establishing the actions. The medium shot of Plan B face, is also effective as it conveys his facial expressions on how he feels about this matter. Where as the camera movement such as tracking is effective as it highlights to the audience the actions which is taking place in the scene. For instance tracking movement is used in some of the footage in the video from the 2011 riots, which establishes the setting as it shows the audience what happened. This engages the audience, because they would be more aware of the problems occurring due to the government not helping which makes the poor suffer more.
4) Media Institutions: In what ways is the video typical of music videos and what values does it promote?
The music video is called Ill Manors and the genre is a hip-hop. The genre conventions in this video which makes it a typical music video, is through fast editing, main character, and themes about struggles, prejudice or inequality. The values being promoted throughout the song is supporting the working class as it is a anti-government protest song. This conveys, it is going against the hegomoic idea of the rich taking over society therefore, the song is promoting the idea of more equality. The track was released in the UK in March 2012 through the American company Atlantic Records (a subsidiary of the Warner Music Group conglomerate)
Sunday, 25 November 2012
The words highlighted below are associated with each Psycho graphic group.
Struggler seek escape.
The advert above is about an Anti-Binge Drinking and the effect alcohol has on teenagers. The editing of this advert is effective in showing the danger of what alcohol can do and uses a twist to the advert. This is because, the ending of the advert is suppose to be the beginning as the teenage girl get hold of the alcohol from her dad, and then the beginning is of her getting hurt maybe raped by a guy due to alcohol. The twist if effective on the audience because, from the beginning the audience would wonder how did she get into this position and what happened; therefore the reverse clips the stages in her life, highlight how easily alcohol can lead to consequences. I think this advert appeals to the psycho graphic group of 'Struggler' due to several reasons. Firstly, 'struggler' seek for escape which highlights the female character in this advert as the only option for her to feel free is by drinking. Also, it could suggest that she is easily influenced by her friends because from the advert they drink as well therefore she might want to feel included. Secondly, from the beginning half of the advert when the female character is at the party as audience, we see she is having fun and not acknowledging how much she is drinking, suggesting she is a heavy consumer of alcohol. This could suggest that she has a low-self esteem therefore she drinks a lot to make her feel better about herself. This links under the category of a 'struggler' because, it conveys how teenagers can be easily influenced. In this case, the alcohol has left the female character feeling alienated due to the consequence she had to face for being drunk; this is shown at the beginning.
2) Aspires
Aspirers seek status which means they have strong ambitions and want to succeed. This advert would appeal to the psycho graphic group of 'aspires' because, Cheryl Cole is used as a celebrity endorsement to promote L'Oreal and as we know she has worked hard to get in to the position she is in now; individuals would aspire to be like her. Also, young people fall under this category therefore, this advert would appeal to them as they might be intrigued in buying this brand. 'Aspirers' seek to improve themselves and define themselves by the high status brand names which they own and consume; links to his advert as L'Oreal is a successful branding company. Moreover, I researched the characteristics of an 'aspirer' and one point it made was, individuals who pay attention to their appearance and is fashionable/trendy. This point is suitable for this advert as it is promoting hair dye which is associated with appearance (looking good) therefore it would appeal to 'aspirers'
Explorers seek discovery.
The advert above would appeal to the group of 'explores' because the different shots of this advert highlights people who are love taking risk and is adventurous; this is associated with 'explorers'. As I mentioned before, explorers seek discovery which means they are the type of individuals who want to experiment with life therefore taking part in dangerous sports, visiting different parts of the country, breaking the rules ect and this is clearly shown throughout the advert. Also, this could suggest that explorers are typically associated with the younger demographic students because they could be the first to try new brands and they are seen as being more risk taking and breaking the rules, compared to adults.
Reformers seek enlightenment.
The advert above is promoting the offers Iceland has and how cheap the frozen food are, which makes the consumers pleased. I think this advert would appeal to reformers because, they are known as actively consuming eco-friendly products and this advert highlights that from the price; as it is cheap. Also, they buy products which establish this 'caring and responsible' ideology, and this is shown in the Iceland advert as it promises the consumers about the cheap processed frozen meals.
5) Succeeder
Succeeder seek control.
I chose the Lexus CT 200h Kylie Minogue Advert, for go under the psycho graphic group of 'Succeeder'. This is because, 'succeeder's' are individuals who have strong goals, confident, typically have an higher management or are professionals ect. and all of these link to Kylie Minogue as she is a celebrity. I think this advert appeals to this psycho graphic group, because clearly the advert is promoting the brand new car to people who are wealthy (have a high management job) which is typically associated with succeeder's as they are individualise who have climbed up the social ladder. Also, this refers to Kylie Minogue in the advert because as she is a celebrity she is wealthy and looks confident ( refers to succeeder's) therefore, she is seeking control as she has worked hard to become successful and wants to keep control of that.
6) Mainstreamer
Main-streamers seek security.
The advert above is promoting PG Tea Bags, which would appeal to this specific psycho graphic group. This is because, through advertisements mainstreamer's would be intrigued in a brand which is suitable for the family; PG Tips highlight this as it targets a family orientated audience. Also, mainstreamer's are traditional in terms of families and the roles, therefore adverts which promote a product of a reasonable price, they would be happy as mainstreamer's are prince conscious. I think this advert would be suitable for mainstreamer's because, they prefer things which are simple and not glamorous, also the advert is based around the concept of families which they would like.
Resigned seek survival.
The reason why I chose this advert for the psycho graphic group of 'resigned' is because, one thing they are interested in is tradition and this advert highlights that, from the different stages of an individual life; born, education, marriage, having a family. Also, 'resigned' are typically for older people, therefore this advert would be suitable for people in their late 40's+ or even elderly. This John Lewis advert would appeal to this psycho graphic group as the brand conveys safety, familiarity and economy which is suitable for 'resigned'. This is effective, because the brand could suggest that John Lewis clothing or even furniture has never unsatisfied their consumers, therefore they can trust the brand.
A Brief description/psychographic profile of myself.
Age: 16
Religion: Sikh
Nationality: British Asian
Social Economic Classification: class E (as I am a student and does not work at the moment)
I am a person of strong ambition and aspiration to succeed. Also, before buying something I begin to think to myself if it is worth it or not; conscience consumer. However, I buy brands which reflect my interest and inner personality. I enjoy going out with my friends/family, reading novels/magazines, watching my favourite TV dramas ect. Furthermore, the ten brands which appeal to me are:
The advert above is about an Anti-Binge Drinking and the effect alcohol has on teenagers. The editing of this advert is effective in showing the danger of what alcohol can do and uses a twist to the advert. This is because, the ending of the advert is suppose to be the beginning as the teenage girl get hold of the alcohol from her dad, and then the beginning is of her getting hurt maybe raped by a guy due to alcohol. The twist if effective on the audience because, from the beginning the audience would wonder how did she get into this position and what happened; therefore the reverse clips the stages in her life, highlight how easily alcohol can lead to consequences. I think this advert appeals to the psycho graphic group of 'Struggler' due to several reasons. Firstly, 'struggler' seek for escape which highlights the female character in this advert as the only option for her to feel free is by drinking. Also, it could suggest that she is easily influenced by her friends because from the advert they drink as well therefore she might want to feel included. Secondly, from the beginning half of the advert when the female character is at the party as audience, we see she is having fun and not acknowledging how much she is drinking, suggesting she is a heavy consumer of alcohol. This could suggest that she has a low-self esteem therefore she drinks a lot to make her feel better about herself. This links under the category of a 'struggler' because, it conveys how teenagers can be easily influenced. In this case, the alcohol has left the female character feeling alienated due to the consequence she had to face for being drunk; this is shown at the beginning.
2) Aspires
The advert above would appeal to the group of 'explores' because the different shots of this advert highlights people who are love taking risk and is adventurous; this is associated with 'explorers'. As I mentioned before, explorers seek discovery which means they are the type of individuals who want to experiment with life therefore taking part in dangerous sports, visiting different parts of the country, breaking the rules ect and this is clearly shown throughout the advert. Also, this could suggest that explorers are typically associated with the younger demographic students because they could be the first to try new brands and they are seen as being more risk taking and breaking the rules, compared to adults.
Reformers seek enlightenment.
The advert above is promoting the offers Iceland has and how cheap the frozen food are, which makes the consumers pleased. I think this advert would appeal to reformers because, they are known as actively consuming eco-friendly products and this advert highlights that from the price; as it is cheap. Also, they buy products which establish this 'caring and responsible' ideology, and this is shown in the Iceland advert as it promises the consumers about the cheap processed frozen meals.
5) Succeeder
I chose the Lexus CT 200h Kylie Minogue Advert, for go under the psycho graphic group of 'Succeeder'. This is because, 'succeeder's' are individuals who have strong goals, confident, typically have an higher management or are professionals ect. and all of these link to Kylie Minogue as she is a celebrity. I think this advert appeals to this psycho graphic group, because clearly the advert is promoting the brand new car to people who are wealthy (have a high management job) which is typically associated with succeeder's as they are individualise who have climbed up the social ladder. Also, this refers to Kylie Minogue in the advert because as she is a celebrity she is wealthy and looks confident ( refers to succeeder's) therefore, she is seeking control as she has worked hard to become successful and wants to keep control of that.
6) Mainstreamer
Main-streamers seek security.
The advert above is promoting PG Tea Bags, which would appeal to this specific psycho graphic group. This is because, through advertisements mainstreamer's would be intrigued in a brand which is suitable for the family; PG Tips highlight this as it targets a family orientated audience. Also, mainstreamer's are traditional in terms of families and the roles, therefore adverts which promote a product of a reasonable price, they would be happy as mainstreamer's are prince conscious. I think this advert would be suitable for mainstreamer's because, they prefer things which are simple and not glamorous, also the advert is based around the concept of families which they would like.
The reason why I chose this advert for the psycho graphic group of 'resigned' is because, one thing they are interested in is tradition and this advert highlights that, from the different stages of an individual life; born, education, marriage, having a family. Also, 'resigned' are typically for older people, therefore this advert would be suitable for people in their late 40's+ or even elderly. This John Lewis advert would appeal to this psycho graphic group as the brand conveys safety, familiarity and economy which is suitable for 'resigned'. This is effective, because the brand could suggest that John Lewis clothing or even furniture has never unsatisfied their consumers, therefore they can trust the brand.
A Brief description/psychographic profile of myself.
Age: 16
Religion: Sikh
Nationality: British Asian
Social Economic Classification: class E (as I am a student and does not work at the moment)
I am a person of strong ambition and aspiration to succeed. Also, before buying something I begin to think to myself if it is worth it or not; conscience consumer. However, I buy brands which reflect my interest and inner personality. I enjoy going out with my friends/family, reading novels/magazines, watching my favourite TV dramas ect. Furthermore, the ten brands which appeal to me are:
- Lush
- H&M
- New Look
- E4
- E! Entertainment
- Urban Outfitters
- Forever 21
- Ferrero Rocher (chocolate)
- Glamour Magazine.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Products which are gendered through advertising.
1) Sports Car.
The print advert above specifically targets the male audience. This is because, the colours used in this print advert are masculine such as black, blue, and this would be associated with males more compared to females. The reason why this gender is specifically associated with this product is because, we as the audience know that males enjoy looking at cars, buying the latest cars ect, where as girls are more into fashion, shopping etc. Personally, this print advert would not appeal to a female audience at all because it is not associated with the type of things they are intrigued in, where as for a male audience it would
The car advert above is promoting the mini countryman. From watching this advert twice, the gender which is promoted throughout this product is males, once again. This is because, cars are stereotypically associated with that specific gender, in being all masculine and in charge. Also, in the advert the main driver for the car is a male, which could suggest that companies are aware that men are likely to buy the latest cars therefore by using a male character, the audience would want to be like him.
2) Domestic Cleaning Products.
2) Domestic Cleaning Products.
The print advert above definitely targets the females as it represents them as being domestic goddesses in the household. This is clearly shown, through the slogan "Christmas Moving She'll be happier with a Hoover". The advertisement, highlights women as being passive as they refer them as 'Chef' and making their husbands happy by cleaning/cooking after them. Also, this could portray a gender division between men and women during that time period, as men had the role of working and providing money for their family, where as women role was to stay at home and be the 'happy' housewife. Furthermore, this is just a typical stereotype of women as being housewives however, this print advert helps us to reflect on today's society and how how far we have come, as there is more equality between men and women.
Throughout this advert above, we can clearly recognise that it is targeting females. This is because, women are represented/stereotyped as being a domestic housewife which could suggest, that they are powerless as their role is to be a perfect wife for their husband and to please them. Also, in majority of cleaning product adverts, you will hardly see any males helping out which the chores. This indicates, we are brainwashed in society to accept that women have to do all the domestic chores in the household, where as males do not. Moreover, in the advert the female character is represented as being happy and excited with the new domestic product conveying, that women should be happy and accept their role as being housewives; indicating inequality. However, this is a false representation, as not all women have to grow up in becoming housewife as they can have a career and become successful.
3) Bottled Beer.
The print advert above is advertising the bottled beer called Schlitz, and the advert clearly targets and promotes it to the male audience. This is because, we are able to recognise that, the husband is only concerned about the beer rather than the food being burnt - "Don't worry darling, you didn't burn the beer!". The reason why I think males are associated with this product is it could suggest that they are represented as being heavy drinkers, or that drinking mostly associated with men rather than women, as they may feel better from a day or work.
This advert above is promoting Miller Lite beer and the concept of this advert I personally think is brilliant. This is because, at first you would expect the male character talking about his partner however the fantastic twist at the end highlights he is actually talking about the beer. The advert, is clearly targeting the male audience and promoting the new beer to them as being the 'ideal' or 'must have' product to buy. Also, it could suggest that men are more interested in other masculine things such as beer than their partners because it might make them feel good about themselves.
4) Toilet Roll

The print advert above is promoting a new decoration piece which is a box to put your toilet role in. The gender which, is being targeted is clearly females, mainly those who are housewives. This is because, females are stereotyped as being domestic goddesses who take part in all the chores, therefore you would not see a male being in the same position as the female in the print advert. Similarly the TV advert also targets females which is obvious to see as they female character is housework which is associated with females.
5) Deodorant

The print advert above is advertising 'Sure Maximum Protection Deodorant' for females, as the central image is of a women. The reason why this gender is targeted for this advert is because, it could portray that is very useful for women of all ages and since women sweat, 'Sure' deodorant offers "twice the protection" of its competitors. Moreover, the central image of the women looks very confident with using this deodorant through the direct-mode address, suggesting to the female audience that women should be proud of sweating. Also, the advert could highlight that there are now similar products out there for both genders, which is beneficial as you mostly see on the television deodorants for men.
This advert is associated with the print advert above of 'Sure Maximum Protection Deodorant' which portrays women as being strong, happy and in control with their body. As we can see, the target audience for this product are females suggesting, that they should not feel insecure about how the look, instead they should feel confident and pleased with their body. The women represented in this advert all look self-assured and positive with the outcome of using this deodorant; appealing to other women to buy the product.
6) Cigarette.

For this print advert above, I think the gender which is being targeted are males. This is clearly shown through the tagline, "Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere" conveying, this cigarette make is worth buying as you feel the satisfaction afterwards. The reason why I think, males are being associated with this product because they might be seen as being active smokers compared to girls. Also, this print advert is old therefore it could suggest that during that time period, males were the ones who used to smoke as it could be seen as a 'male thing'.
This advert for smoking does not target a specific gender, as it is associated with families; therefore it for males and females. The advert clearly highlights how easily influenced children can get from their parents, therefore parents should set a good example for their children and be a good role model.
7) Trainers.
( The advert for this print was not allowed on the school website therefore I deleted it) The print and advert is promoting the new trainers for the company called Skechers. The gender which is being targeted is clearly females, as the trainers are a girl version (from the colour pink) and also Kim Kardashian is promoting them; celebrity endorsement. This is effective on the audience, because people who are a fan of her are more likely to buy this product, which makes it a successful promotion. This suggest, even more females are getting involved with men products as well and not only men wear trainers, females now do.
8) A Games Console
Males are strongly targeted in this print advert and it clearly does not appeal to a female audience, as majority of them would not be interested in playing games involving games. The reason why this product targets a male audience could be because, they are known as being active consumers therefore they are more likely to be intrigued/appealed in buying the game console. Also, the colours are dull, and the use of fire, defiantly appeals to males. Females are associated as being non-violent, enjoy shopping, fashion ect where as males are typically represented as being aggressive, violent, immature ect indicating this is print advert is perfect for them.
9) An Airline.

Both print and advert for Virgin Atlantic Airlines is associated with females, as they are been represented as being good looking in their uniform by revealing a tiny bit of cleavage; could be appealing for the male audience in watching this advert. The women are represented as being the air-hostess in the aeroplane and I think this product is associated with females, to maybe highlight how much the position of women has changed over the years. This is because, before women would experience inequality in society which made it harder for them to find jobs compared to men.
How might you represent these products in a different/alternative way that would appeal to the other gender?
Throughout this advert above, we can clearly recognise that it is targeting females. This is because, women are represented/stereotyped as being a domestic housewife which could suggest, that they are powerless as their role is to be a perfect wife for their husband and to please them. Also, in majority of cleaning product adverts, you will hardly see any males helping out which the chores. This indicates, we are brainwashed in society to accept that women have to do all the domestic chores in the household, where as males do not. Moreover, in the advert the female character is represented as being happy and excited with the new domestic product conveying, that women should be happy and accept their role as being housewives; indicating inequality. However, this is a false representation, as not all women have to grow up in becoming housewife as they can have a career and become successful.
3) Bottled Beer.
The print advert above is advertising the bottled beer called Schlitz, and the advert clearly targets and promotes it to the male audience. This is because, we are able to recognise that, the husband is only concerned about the beer rather than the food being burnt - "Don't worry darling, you didn't burn the beer!". The reason why I think males are associated with this product is it could suggest that they are represented as being heavy drinkers, or that drinking mostly associated with men rather than women, as they may feel better from a day or work.
This advert above is promoting Miller Lite beer and the concept of this advert I personally think is brilliant. This is because, at first you would expect the male character talking about his partner however the fantastic twist at the end highlights he is actually talking about the beer. The advert, is clearly targeting the male audience and promoting the new beer to them as being the 'ideal' or 'must have' product to buy. Also, it could suggest that men are more interested in other masculine things such as beer than their partners because it might make them feel good about themselves.
4) Toilet Roll
The print advert above is promoting a new decoration piece which is a box to put your toilet role in. The gender which, is being targeted is clearly females, mainly those who are housewives. This is because, females are stereotyped as being domestic goddesses who take part in all the chores, therefore you would not see a male being in the same position as the female in the print advert. Similarly the TV advert also targets females which is obvious to see as they female character is housework which is associated with females.
5) Deodorant
The print advert above is advertising 'Sure Maximum Protection Deodorant' for females, as the central image is of a women. The reason why this gender is targeted for this advert is because, it could portray that is very useful for women of all ages and since women sweat, 'Sure' deodorant offers "twice the protection" of its competitors. Moreover, the central image of the women looks very confident with using this deodorant through the direct-mode address, suggesting to the female audience that women should be proud of sweating. Also, the advert could highlight that there are now similar products out there for both genders, which is beneficial as you mostly see on the television deodorants for men.
This advert is associated with the print advert above of 'Sure Maximum Protection Deodorant' which portrays women as being strong, happy and in control with their body. As we can see, the target audience for this product are females suggesting, that they should not feel insecure about how the look, instead they should feel confident and pleased with their body. The women represented in this advert all look self-assured and positive with the outcome of using this deodorant; appealing to other women to buy the product.
6) Cigarette.
For this print advert above, I think the gender which is being targeted are males. This is clearly shown through the tagline, "Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere" conveying, this cigarette make is worth buying as you feel the satisfaction afterwards. The reason why I think, males are being associated with this product because they might be seen as being active smokers compared to girls. Also, this print advert is old therefore it could suggest that during that time period, males were the ones who used to smoke as it could be seen as a 'male thing'.
This advert for smoking does not target a specific gender, as it is associated with families; therefore it for males and females. The advert clearly highlights how easily influenced children can get from their parents, therefore parents should set a good example for their children and be a good role model.
7) Trainers.
( The advert for this print was not allowed on the school website therefore I deleted it) The print and advert is promoting the new trainers for the company called Skechers. The gender which is being targeted is clearly females, as the trainers are a girl version (from the colour pink) and also Kim Kardashian is promoting them; celebrity endorsement. This is effective on the audience, because people who are a fan of her are more likely to buy this product, which makes it a successful promotion. This suggest, even more females are getting involved with men products as well and not only men wear trainers, females now do.
8) A Games Console
Males are strongly targeted in this print advert and it clearly does not appeal to a female audience, as majority of them would not be interested in playing games involving games. The reason why this product targets a male audience could be because, they are known as being active consumers therefore they are more likely to be intrigued/appealed in buying the game console. Also, the colours are dull, and the use of fire, defiantly appeals to males. Females are associated as being non-violent, enjoy shopping, fashion ect where as males are typically represented as being aggressive, violent, immature ect indicating this is print advert is perfect for them.
9) An Airline.
Both print and advert for Virgin Atlantic Airlines is associated with females, as they are been represented as being good looking in their uniform by revealing a tiny bit of cleavage; could be appealing for the male audience in watching this advert. The women are represented as being the air-hostess in the aeroplane and I think this product is associated with females, to maybe highlight how much the position of women has changed over the years. This is because, before women would experience inequality in society which made it harder for them to find jobs compared to men.
How might you represent these products in a different/alternative way that would appeal to the other gender?
- Sport Car: To represent this product in an alternative way, I would use a female character or a celebrity, looking confident and happy/proud about driving in a sport car. I think this would be effective, as it would be a celebrity endorsement therefore it would highlight to people, that females can drive cars as well not only males.
- Domestic Cleaning Products: Using a male character completing chores around the house such as cleaning, cooking, looking after the children and being happy about it. This would be an alternative and appeal to the male gender as it conveys, the roles of women/men have changed therefore becoming more equal. This is effective, because it would indicate that men should be proud of doing domestic chores and it is not only the women job to do it.
- Bottled Beer: As from the adverts above bottled beer is associated with males, to represent the product in a alternative way, instead I would use a female character drinking. This would show that women can drink as well, not only men and it is fine if women want to have a beer; not a 'masculine thing any more and conveys that women are able to do the things which men do now.
- Toilet Roll: To represent this product in a alternative way to the opposite gender which are males, I would use the same idea as 'Domestic Cleaning Products'. This is because, by using a male character promoting this product, males would recognise that it is fine to help out around with the house, completing chores.
- Deodorant: There are adverts which appeal to both genders therefore you can not represent this product in an alternative way as it has already been done.
- Cigarette: Both genders do smoke and there have been adverts which promote this, therefore it a bit difficult to represent it in an alternative way.
- Trainers: From the print advert I chose for this product, it targets clearly a female audience as the trailers are for women. To represent this in an alternative way, could use a male celebrity promoting the trainers, and saying how good it is, therefore more customers would.
- A Games Console: This product is clearly targeted to males as they are active users of play stations and their into violences ect. To represent this in a alternative way to the opposite gender which is females would be to, promote games associated with what females like. This would make them appealed into buying the product as it would be something they are interested in.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Action Film - Analysing Narrative Theories.
The film I have chosen to analyse the
narrative theories is 'This Means War' and the genre is a hybrid as it is a combination
of action, comedy and romance. 'This Means War' features Reese Witherspoon ( plays Lauren), Chris Pine (plays FDR aka Foster) and Tom Hardy (plays Tuck) who are all very successful in the film industry. The narrative of the
film is mainly about, two best friends who discover they are dating the same women therefore, they both sabotage each other dates in order for the 'best man' to win.
Firstly, the narrative pattern for this film is linear which conveys it follows a chronological sequence; beginning, middle and end. This portrays, a typical narrative pattern for any film, according to theorist 'Todorov' as it follows three stages and this is highlighted in 'This Means War'. The first stage is, 'Equilibrium' which shows everything is balanced and there is harmony (introduction to the characters). Second stage is 'Disequilibrium' (middle) conveying the beginning is disrupted by an unfortunate event or an evil character which leads to a chain of event involving character. In this film, the disequilibrium is when both best friends find out they are dating the same girl, causing jealously between them. Final stage is 'New Equilibrium' which means the evil is defeated or the conflict is resolved and harmony exist once more. Also, this reinforces the idea of resolution narrative and in terms of this film, the new equilibrium is when we find out on the plane 'FDR and Lauren' are engaged and the best friends problems are solved.
Secondly, following Barthes theory, the film does include some extent of enigma codes however there are more action codes. There is not many enigma codes used in this film, however it is effective on the audience. This is because, it is used to limit how much the audience are allowed to know, which creates more mystery and suspense. Where is, there are more of action codes featured in this film such as weapons, cars being blow up, knifes, violence, fights ect. This is effective, because it is associated with this genre which is good as it is mainly an action and it signifies that a violent scene will take places. Also, it helps to develop the narrative and the events in the story, keeping the audience thrilled and intrigued.
Thirdly, Propp narrative theory focuses on seven character types and he argues that some of them are associated in every films. He came up with this theory, when he was studying folks tales and legends from many different countries and noticed all the characters tended to be similar. In 'This Means War' it is hard to compare the characters to Propp theory as there is no villain and the two best friends do not hate one another. However, the most significant character type which is obvious to recognise in the film is the 'Princess'. The 'Princess' is Reese Witherspoon (playing Lauren) because two of the men are fighting over her. This highlights, she is important and is represented as being beautiful and royal in the eyes of both of them men; just like a 'Princess' .
Furthermore, Stuart Hall came up with the theory of three basic readings which are aimed at the audience. The three types are: Dominant Reading, Negotiated Reading and Opposition Reading. the type of reading for this film is, dominate reading, however I am not entirely sure. The reason why I think it is dominate reading is because, whilst your watching this film, you would assume the male characters would be all masculine as it is an action where as the female character would be good-looking and a sex appeal to the men. This is shown in the film, therefore it is a dominate reading as it is what majority of the audience would think.
Secondly, following Barthes theory, the film does include some extent of enigma codes however there are more action codes. There is not many enigma codes used in this film, however it is effective on the audience. This is because, it is used to limit how much the audience are allowed to know, which creates more mystery and suspense. Where is, there are more of action codes featured in this film such as weapons, cars being blow up, knifes, violence, fights ect. This is effective, because it is associated with this genre which is good as it is mainly an action and it signifies that a violent scene will take places. Also, it helps to develop the narrative and the events in the story, keeping the audience thrilled and intrigued.
Thirdly, Propp narrative theory focuses on seven character types and he argues that some of them are associated in every films. He came up with this theory, when he was studying folks tales and legends from many different countries and noticed all the characters tended to be similar. In 'This Means War' it is hard to compare the characters to Propp theory as there is no villain and the two best friends do not hate one another. However, the most significant character type which is obvious to recognise in the film is the 'Princess'. The 'Princess' is Reese Witherspoon (playing Lauren) because two of the men are fighting over her. This highlights, she is important and is represented as being beautiful and royal in the eyes of both of them men; just like a 'Princess' .
Furthermore, Stuart Hall came up with the theory of three basic readings which are aimed at the audience. The three types are: Dominant Reading, Negotiated Reading and Opposition Reading. the type of reading for this film is, dominate reading, however I am not entirely sure. The reason why I think it is dominate reading is because, whilst your watching this film, you would assume the male characters would be all masculine as it is an action where as the female character would be good-looking and a sex appeal to the men. This is shown in the film, therefore it is a dominate reading as it is what majority of the audience would think.
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