Sunday, 10 February 2013

1) How are characters/stars in the film represented in:
  • Print Media?
  • Broadcast Media?
  •  E-Media?
 A example of a print media is the Ill Manors film poster which only shows the male character suggesting, that he is the protagonist. A long shot is used of the character which allows the audience  to see his clothing, facial expression and the prop he holds however; as the film title is covering the male character clothing this could suggest, that film name is more important. One could argue, that the prop of a gun has negative connotations such death, blood and danger, which could be representing him in a negative way as being deviant. However, in some extent a gun has positive connotations such as protection and freedom. Additionally, the the male character clothing also represents him as being dangerous as tracksuit bottoms/hoody/cap stereo-typically represent the young troubled youth and the gun makes him seem even more harmful. Similarly, the colour black symbolizes  death, violence and authority which could reinforce the idea of the male character being harmful. Furthermore, the audience would be able to recognise that the male character looks serious and emotional less which is shown through his facial expressions. The way the film poster is presented is different to other teen urban films as majority of the characters look straight in the camera; known as direct mode address. Where as, in this film poster  shot of the male character head titled to one side while holding a gun is effective, in representing him as a threat to society. Moreover, the setting for this film poster is in the area of council estates which is clearly shown in the background of the flats. This could relate to the protagonist and maybe the other characters in the film as being brought up deprived areas where they experiences a harsh childhood. Furthermore, the setting links well with how the male character is being represented in the poster. This is because, in society people assume that young adults who live in council estates are troubled and are dangerous therefore, they do not take any interest in them therefore; the male character is not only represented negatively but he could also represented as be a working class individual.

Broad Cast Media
(BBC Radio 1 Interview)

The link above is a BBC Radio 1 interview with Ben Drew as he discusses the film Ill Manors with Fearne Cotton. In this interview, Ben Drew is represented positively as being a successful artist who has put in a huge amount of work and time in the producing a successful film. For instance, he reveals that it is time consuming in producing Ill Manors and finishing of the album however, he does admit that he feels like having his life back as he wants a break. Moreover, the fact that he asked random young teenagers from the streets to be apart of Ill Manors clearly represents Ben Drew as being a person who is dedicated to his work. Towards the end of the interview he reveals, that the Olympics which is taking place in East London Stratford is a good think as that area has always been "neglected" therefore, individuals have something to look forward to. Additionally, during the Olympics Ben Drew took part in the Hackney weekend where he believes that this event is all about "giving something back to the local kids" which he wants to be involved in. Also, he believes that any way the Olympics involve kids are is a positive approach as it keeps them of the streets therefore, he decided to be apart of the Hackney weekend. This suggest that in this radio interview, Ben Drew is represented in being a positive and good role model to young adults as he is passionate about changing their lives. Furthermore, as Ben Drew was born into a working class family where he experienced a deprived childhood in this interview, he is not represented as being a working class individual as he has worked up the social ladder in society and achieved his success.  

Ill Manors Premire
The video above is an interview at the Ill Manors premier with the actress Anouska Mond who plays the female character of Michelle. In this interview, she reveals how she feels about playing the character Michelle who is represented negatively in the film as being objectified, drug addict and a prostitute. In the film, the character Michelle is clearly represented as being apart of a  working class background as she struggles to cope with life on her own and they only way for her to escape her problems is by taking drugs and prostitution. This negative representation of working class females, who have no money and have been brought up in a deprived area are stereotyped in society as being troubled. This is because, individuals who are from privileged background would assume that females who are from council estates, wears revealing clothing and have no jobs would be associated with these things. Furthermore, in terms of gender representation in Ill Manors the males are the ones who have the power and control where as, the two female characters are represented as being powerless. This could reflect society as being patriarchal therefore, women are seen as having no say and are dominated by men. In the interview, Anouska Mond does state that the film is not a portrayal of how society is however; there are some issues in where the female audience can relate to her character. Furthermore, in terms of Anouska Mond on screen female character Michelle, her ethnicity is portrayed negatively. This could highlight a stereotype in society which reflects white and black ethnic groups as as being harmful and dangerous in society.

(MSN Video Plan B – Interview)

In this interview, Ben Drew discusses his new album called The Defamation of Stickland and the songs on the track. The interview takes place in a pub where Ben Drew and the James Hurley have a pint of beer, which is different from other interviews. The clothing Ben Drew is wearing is very casual for a interview which could suggest, that he is represented as being a relaxed artist. Also, he is represented as a working class individual through the way he speak. For instance, in the beginning of the interview when James Hurley asks him how he is Ben Drew says "I'm good man" which is informal and not sophisticated for a interview as he refers him as a "man". Also, this could link to his childhood as he was kicked out of school as he did not value education because of his deprived up bringing therefore; a lack of education has resulted in making him speak non fluently.

2) Now look at what values and ideologies are communicated within these representations

  • Think about the people/places/ideas that are used/communicated
  • How and why they are presented to the audience in this way?
  • How is the audience represented? Do they get a chance to represent themselves? E.g. Twitter.

Ben Drew ideologies are clearly presented to the audience in the interview clips with him above. The audience would acknowledge his key beliefs, as he is passionate about making a difference in society especially for teenagers who have been brought up in a deprived area. This highlights, a positive representation of Ben Drew as being a good role model to younger children because, he believes in teenagers from deprived areas in becoming successful like just like him. Also, in the interview with Anouska Mond  at the Ill Manors premier are beliefs are shown as well, as she states that there are some aspects of the film which show a portrayal of society. Moreover, she states that women do face some of the problems are female character goes through in the film but unfortunately, some women do not report it in the media therefore; she "wants the audience to go in, watch it and for their own opinion"
3) Now think of how the film communicates with audiences across the 3 platforms:
  • Are there any differences or similarities in the representations of:
  • The actors/stars (their star persona)
  • People (race, gender, age etc)
  • Places (countries, regions, etc)
  • Values and ideologies (class, politics, religion, lifestyle, beliefs etc)

There are similar representation of ideologies across the print and broadcast media shown above. This is because, in the Ill Manors film poster the male character is represented as being a deviant working class, suggesting that Ben Drew is challenging the stereotype as he believes that working class individuals are targeted in society, therefore; this male character could be a good person in the film. Similarly, in the BBC Radio 1 interview Ben Den is also represented as being a working class individual who has worked very hard to succeed in life. In this specific interview, his ideologies are clearly presented to the audience as they would be aware that Ben Drew is passionate about changing teenagers lives who have been brought up in deprived areas.

Monday, 4 February 2013

How are texts in the three platform construsted? - Case Study.

1) How is the film promoted through

Print Media

(Specialist magazine)
Firstly, the industry promotes the film Ill Manors to the audience through a range of different print media's such as, bill boards, adverts, newspapers, broadsheets ect. An example of a specialist film magazine is The Empire magazine which effective, in promoting the film as it gives the audience information about what the film is about. 
On the page there are different images which are taken from the film including a image of the director Plan B which is helpful for the audience in knowing that he produced the film. Also, the main image is of the protagonist Aaron (played by Riz Ahmed) who looks serious which is highlighted, through his facial expressions as he holds the gun in a forceful way, looking straight into the mirror. The semi-naked image of the protagonist would appeal to the female audience as well as homosexual individuals as well, which could make them want to watch the film. Furthermore, the iconography of the gun is effective in highlighting the genre of the film which is urban teen drama. This is because, a gun symbolizes violence  death, blood, freedom, power ect suggesting the the film will include elements of each one. Furthermore, the typography of 'Ill Manors' is in a bold and striking red front which is effective, as it makes it clear for the audience to read the film name. Additionally, below the title of the film name in a small italic black font it states "Plan's B, Plan's B: become a movie director" self explanatory as the audience would clearly know who directed the film. Furthermore, the empire magazine is mainly informing the audience about the film therefore, it does not focus on Plan B social background compared to other print media's which do. The demographics associated with this specialist magazine would be A,B,C1 therefore, targeting more middle class individuals. 

Secondly, another example of a print media in which the film is promoted is through a broadsheet which is written by Luke Brainbridge from The Observer and published on The Guardian website. This is a good way in promoting the film as it gives the readers an insight of Luke Brainbridge views on the film; if it is worth watching or not.

 Moreover, Luke BrainBridge, explains that the film is "an unapologetic, and at times unnerving and uncomfortable drama" suggesting, that the film highlights a vary of serious subjects which could make the audience feel shocked. Also, in the article there is a statement from Ben Drew about the film he quotes "A lot of people outside this environment don't believe it exists," he continues. "So in the film, rather than glamorise it, I'm trying to say to people this is the true, dark reality. This is what happens. It's not cool. No drug dealer really has the last laugh". This is effective because, it shows how passionate he is about making a change and Ill Manors is a true reflection of how society is therefore, showing people what things people go through and how hard it is for them. In some extent, the riots which took place in London inspired Ben Drew in making this film as The Guardian stated "the first great mainstream protest song in years" which clearly shows that the song Ill Manors is a anti-government protest song. Drew said in a statement: "If you're born into a family that's had enough money to educate you properly, you're privileged. You're not better than anyone else, you're just lucky. Certain sectors of middle England, not all of them, but the ignorant ones, need to wake up and realise that and stop ridiculing the poor and the less fortunate." The main image on the article, is of a group of girls wearing track suit bottoms, hat, long chains around their necks. The clothing is effective, because it could be a stereotype of how people think "CHAV" dress making them seem harmful. Furthermore, the psychopathics which would be associated with this broadsheet newspaper would be reformers as they are are people who want to change society therefore, they are more social conscious. Also, the demographics of The Guardian newspaper is C1,B,A as it is targets more of the middle class people rather than working class. 

(Tabloid - The Sun)

The link to The Sun newspaper above focuses on Plan B social background and ideologies which reflect the reason why he wanted to make Ill Manors. Also, on the The Sun newspaper homepage there is a YouTube video trailer of the film which is a effective for the audience to have an insight of what the film is about. This is an example of synergy as it is used on type of media which is print to promote another media form which is the trailer of Ill Manors. Furthermore, The Sun newspaper heavily focuses on Ben Drew personal background such as his childhood and what he passionately believes in therefore, it does not include a lot of information about the film. This could suggest that The Sun newspaper does inform people however, it entertains the readers more. 

Broad Cast

(Jonathan Ross Show)

Plan B was on the Jonathan Ross show where is was talking about his latest film Ill Manors, music/album and his social background. The show is a commercial broadcaster as it is aired on ITV therefore; it focuses more on entertainment and there is some extent of inform. Plan B appearing on the Jonathan Ross Show is beneficial in promoting the film because, it gives the audience an insight of what the film is about, what influenced him making Ill Manors and the moral behind the film. During the interview Plan B is revealing is ideologies to the audience which is about making a change in society especially for the working class individuals who are suffering and the film reflects this. He is passionate in making a difference in society and wants to be father figure to children who's parents to not value their education or are not motivates; shows he is a good role model as he wants to make life better for working class children. The interview does not specifically focus on just Ill Manors as Plan B talks about his beliefs and what he is really passionate about however; the interview does give the audience a idea of why he made the film and what motivated him in creating a film which reflects modern society. Moreover, the psychographics would be mainstreamers as it appeals to a wide audience and as interview is full of humor the audience would feel engaged and entertained.

(BBC Radio)
The clip above is of MistaJam interviewing Plan B about his project  'Ill Manors' and his inspiration behind his music. The interview is part of the BBC Radio 1Xtra which is part of the broadcasting platform as it is being broadcasting through the radio. Also,BBC Radio 1 is aimed at 15-29 year olds although the average age of the audience is 33. It is a national radio station operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation and specialises in current popular music and chart hits through the day. This is effective, in promoting the film and Plan B music because, as it is a national radio station majority of people across the UK are likely to tune in and listen to it therefore, they would have an insight of his music and film. Moreover, at the beginning of the interview Ben Drew, highlights that making the film was a delicate process as they were attacking a serious issue therefore, they had to get everything right. He revealed, that the riots"sickened/disgusted" him and made him sad more than anything as, those kids involved in the issue made their own life much harder for themselves. Furthermore, from this interview as the viewers we can acknowledge how passionate he is of changing society/ helping those in needs as he states, the word "CHAV" (Council House and Violent) is used to represent younger children who are unfortunate and it is only used very publicly in the press. Followed from this, he wants to make people aware, that just because some individual are lucky to be born into a family which can afford things and give their kids a good education does not make them better then anyone it just makes them lucky. Ben Drew, made a important point he states "when you attack someone because of the way they talk, dress, music they listen to or their lack of education and you do it publicly makes it acceptable to do that" which is significant because, it makes those individuals who are being targeted feel unwanted/alienated from society. This is would make some teenagers begin to act in a delinquent/deviant way as in their perspective they see that society does not care about them. As the interview progresses, Ben Drew conveys that as a singer he wants to send a message to people and get "under their skins" as he feels that the subject or riots/ how working class people are treated is not "swept under the carpet". Plan B strongly believes, that this issue is really important and he wants to know how society is going to prevent it from happening again. This links to his music video, song, and the film of Ill Manors, because, he an artist want to send out a message to society as he genuinely want to change things and make a point. Additionally, Ben Drew has been brought up from a deprived area when we was young therefore, he understands what teenagers like him is going though and what to improve their life. He reveals, "a lot of these kids come from family/environment where, they are told that they are not good and so when they walk out the front door, society tells them the same thing, even when they read the newspaper or hear the word CHAV". This is effective, in making the viewers aware of the problems people are facing and how unfortunate kids are being treated as they feel unwanted. The film Ill Manors tackles varies of subjects which is described as being"horrific" by some of the audience which is Ben Drew agrees as it is suppose to be horrific because "that's life".


(Fan Video)
The fan video above is of a girl who has posted up a video of herself on YouTube singing to Plan B song Ill Manors in front of her webcam. The fact that she posted up this video herself a year after the film was broadcasted highlights, the idea of free publicity which would be beneficial for the film company. This is because, it shows how much the film has had an impact on the audience and  if the video gets a lot of views across YouTube then more people may make their own version video for the song Ill Manors. Also, the media platform this is associated with is E-Media which would be successful for younger adults such as teenagers.

2) What type of media language does the platform use? Identity the codes and conventions of the platform.

Print media is useful  as it often gives reviews about the film therefore, it allows the audience to read the different comments by critics to see if the film is worth watching or not. This is a important codes and convention because, people are more likely to watch a film if the reviews are good and the more rating stars a film has the more people are going to watch the film. Also, print media such as posters, newspaper articles, bill boards ect usually include the main actor and actresses name which is starring in the film therefore, it would attract the audience as they know who will be casting in the film. For instance, the Ill Manors poster does not include any of the cast names of the film however, it does highlight the director name "A Ben Drew Film" therefore, people would automatically recognise that the singer/rapper Plan B produced this film. Moreover, another code and convention of a film poster is the certificate therefore, it allows the audience to know if the film is suitable for them to watch based on their age. Also, one example of a print media for Ill Manors which I found was a tabloid  paper of The Sun. One of the he codes and conventions of a tabloid paper is including images of the celebrity that they are talking about therefore, it allows the readers to familiarize with the person. Also, referring to Ill Manors, The Sun newspaper included quotes from Ben Drew said  which is a important code and convention as it highlights to the readers his ideologies.
Broad Casting: Code and convention for a BBC radio interview with Plan B I found was that half way through they interview they played a clip of Plan B recently single. Majority of radio interviews play a bit of the singers  latest song which is effective for the viewers, because they would have a exclusive sneek-peek of the celebrity song. Moreover, radios offer exclusive interviews therefore, more people are likely to tune in and some radio stations offer competitions for people to win.
E-Media: Code and conventions of a E-media platform would be that it is instant which is good as it offers people to feel interacted. An example of this would be the Ill Manors website allows viewers to find out about the latest news, watch exclusive interviews with the cast, read information about each actor/actress including Ben Drew and to listen to Plan B album. This is effective because, it makes the viewers feel entertained and engaged with the website therefore, they might even go and watch Ill Manors. Moreover, E-Media platform offers competitions which makes the viewers feel interacted, viewers can read blog  watch video clips ect.

3) Now think of how the film is being promoted across the 3 platforms

The film Ill Manors is promoted in a different way across the three platforms; print, E-media, and broadcast. This is because, the E-media related to the film such as the official Ill Manors website, fan videos, exclusive backstage clips/interviews all make the audience feel interacted where as; in a print media such as posters, articles, newspapers related to Ill Manors does not. Personally, I think the E-media is important and better in reaching the audience compared to broadcast and print media. This is because, the internet can reach a larger mass of population where as, some people might not be interested in listening to the radio or reading newspaper articles ect.

How do audiences access the text across 3 platforms?

1) Who are the film’s target audience(s) and how do you know?
The primary audience for Ill Manors would mainly be males between the age of 18-34 year olds. This is because, the film contains heavy amount of violence, swearing, sexual content which would appeal to a male audience compared to females. Also, the secondary audience for Ill Manors could be middle class people as well due to the TEDx lecture of Plan B where there was many middle class people such as journalists who were interested in the film.

2) How is the film promoted to its target audience(s) through:
  • Print?
  • Broadcasting (TV/Radio/DVD)?
  • E-Media?

 The link above is from the telegraph newspaper which is informing readers about Plan B music, album, social background and his film Ill Manors. Ben Drew states, that Ill Manors is about "London life at the rough end of things". As I was reading through this article the most important thing he says which stood out for me was; "you get rappers that teach, give out messages through metaphors,” he explains, “You get rappers that have a really good flow, really good party lyrics but never say anything deep. I’ve found the best way I can get across what I think is by showing examples, stories. I’m a storyteller, everything else is secondary.” This is effective, as it suggests that through Ben Drew songs he is telling a story to people/his fans which reflects what is happening in society or other situations in which people can relate to.


The video above is a interview with Ben Drew of him talking about his his success picking up two MOBO awards in 2012. Ben Drew talks about the people he collaborated with in his songs, want his future plans are ect.

Plan B's beliefs is he is passionate about helping children who are less fortunate therefore, he wants to make them feel motivated in order for them to become successful in their future. Also, from watching the TEDx lecture I learnt that he wants to be a father figure to  children who have lost a parent or those who are not motivated to learn; this shows he is a good role model to look up to because, he believes in teenagers from deprived areas in becoming successful just like him. . One of his ideology is that he wants there to be more activity clubs for teenagers where they can go to and meet other children. This is effective approach as it would make them feel motivated which would get them of the streets. Also, he shows the audience that we should think again about how we judge ans treat the working class youth as it is not fair; alternative ideology. The target audience  of the TEDx lecture are people who read the guardian news paper as there were journalist from the news paper in the lecture. The social economic classification for this group would me A/B, because they are known as having professional jobs with good pay.  Also, the psychographic group which is defiantly associated with this lecture would be Reformers. This is because, reformers are people who want freedom from restriction and as Ben Drew is challenging the dominate ideologies in society; reformers would agree with him as they want more equality as well. Moreover, the demographics for this target audience would be white middle class people because, majority of people who work for the guardian newspaper are white and wealthy. This target audience is completely different to Plan B's music as film, because for this film he is targeting mostly teenagers/adults from the starting age of 18-27 year old due to the sexual content, heavy amount violence and drug taking; the certificate for the film was an 18. Where as, for his music I think Plan B targets teenagers from 15-18, because some of this songs promoting the bad things about what we should not do in society, e.g: smoking, taking drugs, violence ect therefore through some his music he shows the harmful effects of it.

2 )Now look at each platform individually:
  • What type of audience does the platform reach?
  • Who are the producers aiming to appeal to through this platform and how are they doing it?
  • Does this platform allow audiences to participate or interact with the film? How?
  • Do audiences play a role in the construction or creation of any the film's promotions or material?
I think print media targets a broad audience more compared to just one specific audience. This is because anybody can access reading the newspaper and magazines which feature interviews, reviews, latest information about the film ect. Personally, print e-media does not allow audience to participate and interact with the film however; it does inform the audience such as if they are reading interviews, reviews, newspaper, magazines ect associated with Ill Manors.
For Ill Manors, e-media would reach young adults better compared to older individuals. This is because, teenagers are more likely to use social network often even every day compared to older adults as they might be busy with work or university ect. This platform allows audience to defiantly interact with the film, such as following the cast on twitter or on face book, playing games, watching latest interviews, reading blog's ect. E-media also allows the the audience to participate in competitions which is associated with the film, such as getting a chance to meet the cast, winning a backstage pass ect.
Broadcast would appeal to a large audience as many people from different ages watches television and listen to the radio. Broadcast does allow the audience for Ill Manors to 
interact and participate with the film. This is because, some radio stations do promote competitions for the audience to win which is related to a film therefore, they are likely to participate.

Now think of how the producers are communicating with audiences across the 3 platforms:

  • What are the differences?
  • Are there any differences in the audience gratifications offered across the 3 platforms? What rewards or enjoyment do the film's audiences get from each platform?
  • Are the producers widening their appeal through their cross platform approach? If so, how?

There are differences in the audience gratifications offered across the three platform which are:
Print media - informing, entertainment, escapism, social interaction
Broadcast - informing, entertainment, escapism,
E-media - entertainment, social interaction, informing, escapism

Audience theories you could research and apply to your film case study:
  • Uses & gratifications
  • Social demographics (ABC1 = Middle class; C2DE = Working class)
  • Mode of address
  • Narrowcasting

The uses and gratifications which I think are associated with Ill Manors are:
  • Entertainment - audience can feel relaxed and entertained while watching the film.
  • Identity - audience might relate to one of the characters such as their problems which could help them understand themselves
  • Escapism - allows the audience to escape from their ordinary lives, or being diverted from their problems.
Social demographics for Ill Manors primary target audience:
C - E,D,C1,C2 - represents the working class people in society and Ill Manors reflects this.
A - 18-34 year olds because, of the heavy amount of swearing, violence, and contains sexual content therefore; film would appeal more to males compared to females.
G - More males as they are more likely to be appealed/engaged in the narrative.
E - Blacks and white as they appear more in the film.
S - Could be heterosexuals, as the film does not include any homosexual individuals for the audience to relate to.

Film Media in Context - Case Study

  1. How does the industry promote the film to the audience using: 
  • Print Media?
  • Broadcast (TV/Radio/DVD)
  • E-Media ?
The link above is an example of a print media of the Men's Health magazine, which of an interview with  Ben Drew. In the interview, Ben Drew does talk about his film Ill Manors however, the interview mostly focuses on Ben Drew fitness as the magazine is about Men's Heath. This could promote the film to the audience because, the readers would have an insight of what Ill Manors is about therefore, they could be interested in watching the film.


The short clip above is an interview with Ben Drew on the Ill Manors premier. Ben Drew talks about Ill Manors and how it reflects society today, also he reveals the challenges he faces. According to the uses and gratifications theory the audience would be entertained and informed. 

The link above is a interview with Plan B as he discusses his personal up bringing, his success and Ill Manors. This promotes the film as it informs the readers of what kind of person Ben Drew is and they get a insight of the film as well.

2) The key issue's of each platform is that there has been a decline and there has been some changes between each of the different media platforms. For instance, print media is not instant and free like e-media therefore, some people may favour e-media more compared to print.