Friday, 28 September 2012

Save TV Campaign Link.

Film Noir - Lighting Style.

One of the main features of 'Film Noir' lighting, is the intensity of the darkness, which low key lighting is used to create the shadows. However, the term 'Film Noir' does mean 'Black Film' therefore, the emphasis of the light and dark, is conveyed by a high and low key lighting, which makes it appear as being very accurate and precise. The reason, why 'Film Noir' is effective, is because it involves different lightings such as: low key, high keyunder lighting  and back lighting therefore, these lighting effects would create apprehension on the audience, which would make them even more appealed and intrigued in wanting to watch more. 

The still image above is of a couple holding each other maybe for comfort, and high key lighting is strongly used, which is effective on the audience because it makes it look more realistic. Also, top lighting is used on both of the characters faces, however it could be for different meanings. This is because, the use of the top lighting on the female character face, makes her her look glamours and happy, when she looks up at him. Where as, the top lighting is used on the male character face, which makes him look unpleased or maybe uncomfortable being around her, also he looks mysterious because of his facial expressions of him frowning. Moreover, low key lighting is used of the male character in order to create an enigma code towards the audience. The use of a low key lighting is effective on the audience, because it could suggest that he is up to something bad, which is highlighted from the prop of the gun, he is holding behind her back. Furthermore, low key lighting creates shadows, which is even more effective on the audience, because from the image above the shadow on the wall of the male character, could connote he has a dangerous side to him, which is partner is unaware of. 

The short extract above is taken from the film 'Sin City' which uses different lightings. High key lighting mainly is used in this film to make it look more realistic, however at the beginning of this extract, low key lighting is used to highlight a shadow of the male and female character together. At 0:06, top lighting is used on the female character face, to make her look innocent and pretty, where as there is a shade of low key lighting used on the side of the male character face; this could connote that something is going to happen between their relationship. Also, further on in the extract at 1:23-1:25,  high key lighting is strongly used to convey realism, between both males talking. This is effective on the audience, because it makes them wonder what they could be talking about, also it creates suspense in the audiences mind, and low key is lighting is quickly shown, when the man walks pass the guy. The use of a low-key lighting in that specific part of the extract is effective, because it creates an enigma code to the audience; this would make the audience question themselves about who was that man and what did he say to him?. Furthermore, at 1:30 a close up shot is used to show the man face, which indicates his anger. Also, direct mode address  could foreshadow something bad is going to happen later on of the film, because of they way his emotions has been presented. Moreover, high key and low key lighting (under his eyes, side of his face and one side of his blazer) is used in this clip, to connotes that he is furious. 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Print Advert Analysis On Mariah Carey Perfume.

Firstly, a medium shot is used on Mariah Carey lying in water showing her curvy body, which would attract the audience in watching the advert. Cropping out her legs could convey, that it was unnecessary to use in the advert. This is because, the audience would be more intrigued at looking at her flawless skin, therefore they would not care so much about her legs being cropped out. Moreover, her body looks like you would imagine an angels to look like, because it looks faultless and perfect. This could imply to the audience, that if you wear her perfume people would think you smell like an angel and feel like her in the image. Also, by not wearing any clothes could suggest, that she feels free and comfortable therefore she wants other females to feel the same as well. Furthermore, the water she is lying on is acting as a mirror, which is effective because it reflects the beautiful sunset and clouds. This could connote to the audience, that her perfume is everlasting and will never go out of fashion; the smell would last forever.

  Mariah Carey, facial expression, looks peaceful and delicate which shows the audience her emotions. This could connote, that by wearing her perfume you would feel complete as if you are in heaven. The use of direct mode address, is effective for this particular advert because it allures the audience in, making them feel connected to her. As it is a celebrity endorsement, people who are fans of this singer are more likely to buy her perfume, which makes it a successful promotion. The colours used in the setting of this print advert, are orange, pink and purple, which gives it a  serenity feeling. The sunset and cloud background, gives the audience a sense of enchantment and harmony. This could connote, that the perfume would bring a heavenly scent, making you feel happy about your body. The typography, used in this advert is a curly and pretty which could be targeting a female audience. Below the letter 'M' of her initial, it has the singer name in a smaller font. This could connote, that Mariah Carey is well known and people are aware of who she is, therefore by looking at the image they would recognise her straight away. As she is a singer, the  tagline at the bottom "An ethereal presence captivating like a song" connotes that,  she could be comparing her perfume to a song. This is because, some songs capture people attention making them listen to it straight away, therefore the perfume would be the same; it would tempt people to buy it, because of the heavenly smell. The colour of the font used in this print advert is white, which connotes purity and goodness; this could be representing Mariah Carey as being overall perfect. In addition, the font goes well with the sunset background because it gives the audience a peaceful scenery and makes the print advert look nice and simple. The perfume bottle, is small in comparison to everything else, indicating how delicate the perfume is. However, even though the perfume is small, the the colour used for the perfume is a bright shade of purple, which makes it emerge from the reflection of the sunset. Also, in the image above there is a visible ray of light coming from the cloud shining directly on to the perfume bottle (hard to see from the image) This connotes, the importance of the perfume bottle and how special it is. 

The target audience, this advert is mainly aimed at would be at a female audience from teenagers aged 16+ to adults. This is because, Mariah Carey is a female herself and she is obviously promoting her own pefume fragrance aimed at females; even by the image and the name of her perfume, the audience could tell that it is more associated with females rather then males. However, the perfume does not only target a female audience, it targets her fans too, which could be males as well; if they are interested in buying her products or not. Furthermore, it does target males in a way as well, if they want to buy a gift for their girlfriend or wives ect, as they could be attracted by the sexual picture of her. Personally, I think the socio-economic classification this advert would fit in to would be class B (teachers, professionals ect). This is because, as she is very successful she is more likely to sell her perfume at a quiet expensive price, therefore some people associated from class C1 or C2 might not be able to afford it, however some might be able to. 

Overall, the advert is trying to get across to the readers how indulgence Mariah Carey perfume is, and that if you want to feel happy and comfortable in your own skin just like her, you should by the perfume. 

Monday, 17 September 2012

Life As We Know It Poster.

Firstly, there are only two names on the poster, which highlight that they are the main characters of the film. The typography, of their surnames are in bold, which could connote that they would be best known from their surnames rather than their first name. The title attracts our attention most, because the typography is striking red and against a pale background, which contrasts well. Furthermore, the title is slanted to one side which makes it different from other film titles being on a straight gradient. In the title of the film, the camera focuses on the words, ‘Life’ and ‘Know It’ which suggest that these words are important, therefore there could be a moral message behind the film.

Secondly, the entire background of the poster is an image rather than single images on a coloured background. The genre of this particular film would be a family comedy because of how the characters are being represented in the film poster and also by the props being used such as, baby bottle, cot and toys, ( in the background). The characters in the film poster who appear to be a family, and the comedy of the film is immediately conveyed through the obvious similarities. This is shown, through how the man is represented as being a funny father figure to the baby and the main iconography is of him drinking from a bottle with the exact colour of the baby bottle; this could connote that the man does not know the basics to parenthood, as he is acting childish. Furthermore, the male character, is represented as being young and care free, by wearing the similar clothing to the baby, having the same body language, actions and attitude to the baby; this gives the audience a sense that they film is not going to be serious, which most people would normally expect a family film to be. Moreover, compared to the man, the young female character does wear appropriate clothing of blue jeans and a peach coloured top, which could suggest that she has been represented as being more mature and responsible. Also, from her body language, with her arms wide open, the female character is closely following the baby trying to protect her, and her facial expression of the character smiling,  suggests a light-hearted humour and that she is having fun. Furthermorethe setting of this film poster, is inside a living room of a house; this would be effective on the audience because it highlights to the audience, that the film is mainly a family comedy. However, the setting also highlights a domestic scene, of the women trying to get hold of the baby for protection, whilst the man is unaware of what is going on. Additionally, I think this has been done, to symbolise to the audience that the male character is lacking responsibility in being a parent, where as,  the female character is trying to control them both. This could be stereotyping young males in society today, as not being aware of their main priority which is being a father. Moreover, from looking at the poster it gives us the viewer the idea, that this film would deal with themes related to relationships and parenting.

Thirdly, the amount of visual and verbal messages which appear on the film poster is effective, however the visual message stands out much more. This is because, the visual messages is the entire background of the poster and it expresses humour as well, which gives the audience an indication of what the film is about. The verbal message is shown through the tagline, ‘A comedy about taking it one step at a time.’ This mirrors the image which firstly contains a baby, therefore it could be the obvious fact that babies learn to walk one step at a time, but it could also be playing with it as a bigger meaning; such as life should be taken one step at a time. This is reflected in the grown man who could possibly apply it to his life and is dressed as a baby to show more literally him ‘taking it one step at a time’.  

 Lastly, the characters on the poster appear to be a family as there is a grown woman, man and a baby; automatically by this I assume this film targets a wide audience, therefore it is specifically aimed at a family audience. Furthermore, it may be slightly more appealing to an older audience then young adults or mainly people of a particular marital status -in a relationship or marriage. Although, it does appear to be a comedy due to the man being dressed very similar to the baby with the woman running behind the text near the bottom informs us that it is a comedy, this should attract a bigger audience. I think the unique selling point of this film poster is production company, which is 'Warner Bros'. This is because, 'Warner Bros' are a well known and respected film company, which have produced successful films, such as 'The Dark Knight, Dark Shadows, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' ect. This would be very effective on the audience, because it portrays that this film is well budgeted therefore it would not be rubbish, also it would make the audience intrigued in wanting to watch the film because it strongly conveys that this film will be fantastic, similar to the other films  'Warner Bros' have produced.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Different Forms of the Media

Glamour magazine UK, is my favourite magazine which I regular buy from any shops. This is because, the magazine contains a lot of interesting features which appeals to me such as, latest fashion, make up, celebrity gossip ect. Also, it is one of Britain's number one women's magazine which highlights that it is very successful in the industry. Moreover, I really enjoy reading the magazine, however the section's I read the most, are the fashion trends and celebrity gossip. This is because, I am really interested in being up to date with new celebrity gossip and intrigued in knowing the new fashion outfits and what is suitable or not; this is what most females would want to know. Furthermore, this form of media has different purposes, such as: 'Entertainment' - the readers would be able to escape from their ordinary life and enjoy reading the magazine. 
'Information' - they would be able to find out information which they did not know about, or getting in contact with a help line, for any advice or problems which they are finding hard to deal with.

Television, is a important form of media because majority of people watch television almost everyday and the media promotes new things through the television such as clothing, new technology ect, by the use of advertisements. The time of day, I usually watch television would be in the evenings, because that is when most of my favourite programmes come on such as: 'Hollyoaks', 'EastEnders', '90210', 'Made In Chelsea' ect. The reason, why I enjoy watching those specific programmes the most on television is because of the interesting storyline (which many people can relate to) as they are full with enigmas; keeping me engaged more on to the programme. I mainly watches these programmes which I have mentioned above, with me sisters, cousins and friends rather than my parents, aunt or uncle ect. This is because, those programmes are not really associated with that audience group as it mainly targets a teenage audience rather than older adults. Furthermore, purpose of using this form would be;
 'Entertainment' - viewers are able to release emotions, such as laughter or crying also they can relax and enjoy themselves; escape from their problems. 
'Identity' - they can see their reflection in the media, which helps them understand themselves, and maybe seek for advice or help if it is necessary .
'Relationship' - viewers be able to understand how other people feel and think, whilst watching their programme and it would make them feel as if they belong in a community; talk about the programme with others.
'Surveillance' - be able to find about relevant events or seek advice. 

I mostly use the internet everyday from home and also access it from school for work, research ect. 
The main sites I access are Facebook to communicate with my friends or family members, also YouTube to watch any music videos ect and Google, for researching or knowing the latest celebrity gossip Ect. Moreover, the internet has the same purpose compared to the Internet (above) as their is many things people can access, such as social websites (Face Book) watching programmes or researching ect.

I hardly read the newspaper daily, however the newspaper I mostly read would be the 'Sun'. This is because it contains interesting stories, which appeals to me. The section of the newspaper I mainly turn to, would be stories about celebrities, just because it really keeps me really interested in wanting to read even more and the rest of the newspaper. The stories I usually read in the newspaper, would be something really terrible, only because it would intrigue me in wanting to know more. The purpose of this form of media would be entertainment and surveillance.

I listen to the radio everyday in the morning because it keeps me in a better mood and keeps me up to date with recent events, also radio station I like the best is Kiss100, because of the music they play interests me and the presenters are funny as well. The radio station I dislike, would probably be the ones which presenters are dull and boring also if they play classical music, rock ect because I am not in to that type of music; would appeal to me. Moreover, the purpose of the radio is mainly for entertainment because the viewers can relax whilst listening to the radio, forget about their daily routine or even take part in competitions associated with that particular radio station . Also, another purpose is surveillance because, some radio station's ad breaks announce details such as places, or numbers for people who are experiencing problems at home ect.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Opening of the film 'Kidulthood'

Analysis of the opening scene of the 'Kidulthood'

The film starts of with a close up camera shot, of a teenage boy playing football in a slow motion effect, then everything starts moving in a normal pace (real time). The use of the slow motion editing effect, could be linked to teenagers taking drugs. This is because, some drugs makes teenagers very hypoactive, where as some drugs makes other teenagers feel dozy; this shows a contrast between slow motion to real time effect. Also, the clothing being worn from the three older boys in the opening are hoodies and tracksuits, which could suggest that everybody feels intimidated by them. This suggest, that they do not value their education and shows  delinquency behaviour. This could be representing teenagers in today society, as many of them wear the same clothing. Moreover, this stereotypes and gives a negative representation of black teenage boys in society, as many adults would look at them as being harmful and deviant to our society. The mood of the film, is based around the diegetic and non-digetic sounds in the opening. For instance, the muttering and conversations between the different groups in the playground which keeps the audience engaged and focused.

Furthermore, the opening highlights a class divide and also conveys a stereotypes within the group of girls. For instance, the quiet, white middle class girl was being picked on by another girl, which we could infer that she is from a working class background; this is because of her verbal behaviour. This highlights, class differences and represents working class teenagers as being unruly and disobedient where as, middle class teenagers as being respectful to others because of their upbringing. Moreover, it challenges the audience view on society and how much gender roles in society has changed. This is because,  in the classroom the 'tough' girl  punched the 'innocent' girl in the face and you would not expect a girl to behaviour in that sort of way. Also, in that classroom scene a high-angle and a point of view shot is being used on the girl when she got punched. This is effective because, it makes the audience feel sympathetic to her and feel her pain as well. 

The uses and gratification from the audience theory for Kidulthood, would be;
  •  Personal Identity - the audience could relate to some of the characters and their position in the film.
  • Entertainment - audience can escape from their ordinary life or problems and release emotion such as laughter or crying.
  • Surveillance - provides the audience with information that young people might experience.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Year 12 Media Studies.

Media Studies in Year 12. 

I picked Media Studies as one of my A levels subject, because I really enjoyed learning it in GCSE and it is a good combination with my other A levels subjects that I have picked, such as English Literature. Also, I enjoy analysing and exploring different case studies in media and coming up with my own interpretation of them. Moreover, apart from the essays we have to write, media studies is a creative subject and different from my other A level subjects, which makes it even more enjoyable. Furthermore, media studies goes into careers such as working for well known institutions, such as BBC and ITV which is something I would be interested in, in the future. The subject, emphasis on contemporary issues in society which would interest me a lot and gives a real understanding of how the media works and the influence the media has on everyone in their daily lives.

I hope to learn and develop key skills, such as producing different media products, participating, engaging in debates and working with other people in a team. Lastly, I would like to learn how to analyse media texts more skilfully, because it would be beneficial for me when the exam starts next year.