Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Print Advert Analysis On Mariah Carey Perfume.

Firstly, a medium shot is used on Mariah Carey lying in water showing her curvy body, which would attract the audience in watching the advert. Cropping out her legs could convey, that it was unnecessary to use in the advert. This is because, the audience would be more intrigued at looking at her flawless skin, therefore they would not care so much about her legs being cropped out. Moreover, her body looks like you would imagine an angels to look like, because it looks faultless and perfect. This could imply to the audience, that if you wear her perfume people would think you smell like an angel and feel like her in the image. Also, by not wearing any clothes could suggest, that she feels free and comfortable therefore she wants other females to feel the same as well. Furthermore, the water she is lying on is acting as a mirror, which is effective because it reflects the beautiful sunset and clouds. This could connote to the audience, that her perfume is everlasting and will never go out of fashion; the smell would last forever.

  Mariah Carey, facial expression, looks peaceful and delicate which shows the audience her emotions. This could connote, that by wearing her perfume you would feel complete as if you are in heaven. The use of direct mode address, is effective for this particular advert because it allures the audience in, making them feel connected to her. As it is a celebrity endorsement, people who are fans of this singer are more likely to buy her perfume, which makes it a successful promotion. The colours used in the setting of this print advert, are orange, pink and purple, which gives it a  serenity feeling. The sunset and cloud background, gives the audience a sense of enchantment and harmony. This could connote, that the perfume would bring a heavenly scent, making you feel happy about your body. The typography, used in this advert is a curly and pretty which could be targeting a female audience. Below the letter 'M' of her initial, it has the singer name in a smaller font. This could connote, that Mariah Carey is well known and people are aware of who she is, therefore by looking at the image they would recognise her straight away. As she is a singer, the  tagline at the bottom "An ethereal presence captivating like a song" connotes that,  she could be comparing her perfume to a song. This is because, some songs capture people attention making them listen to it straight away, therefore the perfume would be the same; it would tempt people to buy it, because of the heavenly smell. The colour of the font used in this print advert is white, which connotes purity and goodness; this could be representing Mariah Carey as being overall perfect. In addition, the font goes well with the sunset background because it gives the audience a peaceful scenery and makes the print advert look nice and simple. The perfume bottle, is small in comparison to everything else, indicating how delicate the perfume is. However, even though the perfume is small, the the colour used for the perfume is a bright shade of purple, which makes it emerge from the reflection of the sunset. Also, in the image above there is a visible ray of light coming from the cloud shining directly on to the perfume bottle (hard to see from the image) This connotes, the importance of the perfume bottle and how special it is. 

The target audience, this advert is mainly aimed at would be at a female audience from teenagers aged 16+ to adults. This is because, Mariah Carey is a female herself and she is obviously promoting her own pefume fragrance aimed at females; even by the image and the name of her perfume, the audience could tell that it is more associated with females rather then males. However, the perfume does not only target a female audience, it targets her fans too, which could be males as well; if they are interested in buying her products or not. Furthermore, it does target males in a way as well, if they want to buy a gift for their girlfriend or wives ect, as they could be attracted by the sexual picture of her. Personally, I think the socio-economic classification this advert would fit in to would be class B (teachers, professionals ect). This is because, as she is very successful she is more likely to sell her perfume at a quiet expensive price, therefore some people associated from class C1 or C2 might not be able to afford it, however some might be able to. 

Overall, the advert is trying to get across to the readers how indulgence Mariah Carey perfume is, and that if you want to feel happy and comfortable in your own skin just like her, you should by the perfume. 


  1. WWW: Another superbly detailed analysis - you are really showing your media knowledge here.
    EBI: I think you could make more of the fact that Mariah Carey is naked in the advert - what is this saying to women? To men? Does it change the target audience?
    LR: Answer the above questions.

  2. LR: The fact that Mariah Carey is naked and looking delicate in the print advert above, could suggest that females are stereotypically represented as being a sex object to men, maybe. This is because, in male celebrity print adverts you would hardly seen them naked compared to Mariah Carey, therefore this print advert could strongly appeal to males. In some extent, I do agree with what I wrote above about the target audience being teenagers, because some females might be a fan of her therefore, by seeing this advert of her perfume would make them intrigued in wanting to buy it. However, by analysing the print advert again, it does slightly make me reconsider that the target audience would not "mainly be aimed at females" it could be targeting men as well. This is because, the way Mariah Carey is being represented in the print advert by looking perfect, having the ideal body and also by being naked makes, could attract the male audience more.
