Thursday, 18 October 2012

Sound Presentation Feedback/LR

The music genre which I chose for my sound presentation was classical however, the images I used for the contrapuntal sound slide could of fitted into the category of parallel; for example, the two images of the girls on the contrapuntal sound. This is because, the music can be associated with tension and danger, as the pace begins to quicken and there was a lot of high notes and high tempo, which worked with some of scarier images. Also, the age of couple of contrapuntal images does go well, however I think it would of been better if I chose images from a younger generation, as it would of been a better combination. 

The things which I could of done differently would be:
  • To begin with giving a brief context of the music I had chosen.
  • Check if the images I had chosen was right under the category of parallel and contrapuntal.
  • To explain more why I had chosen that specific type of genre.

Saturday, 13 October 2012


The two film trailers I have chosen to analyse the cinematography is 'Like Crazy' (2008) and 'Psycho' (1960)

The film 'Like Crazy' fall under the genre of drama and romance. The start of the trailer is a medium close up shot of the female character. The medium close up t of the female character, allows the audience to see her facial expressions looking happy, whilst she is talking to the guy and also, show the audience her appearance, as she looks pretty. Straight after the shot of her, the camera changes and focuses on a medium close up as well of the male character, which conveys that there is a connection between both of them. This is effective, because by using two medium close up shots of the female/male character at the beginning of the trailer, highlights the the audience that they are the main protagonists of the film. Moreover, at 0:32 a establishment shot is used to convey to the audience the setting of that specific shot and also a long shot is used of both characters to show what they are doing; it also makes the shot seem romantic because they look as if they are enjoying each other company. At 0:34 a tracking shot is being used (not sure) to keep up with the characters action/movements also the medium shot on in this scene, keep the audience attention focused on both of the characters. Furthermore, at 0:44-0:49 a close up is used on both of the character faces, to convey their emotions as they look unhappy; it also changes the atmosphere as from the previous shot they are shown as being happy in each other company and now they are sad. 1:01 is a establishment/long shot, to show a change of scene. Also, at 1:06 medium close up is of both of the characters together conveying an intimate moment as they both look content and happy, with one another. Additionally, at 1:13 a long shot of both characters gives the audience a sense of happiness in some extent as they are together looking peaceful due to the beautiful setting which the camera focuses on just them both nobody else  However, the camera shot changes to a medium close up at 1:15, which could connote the connection between them as they both look at one another. At 1:17 of the trailer, a medium close up of the male character is effective because it shows that something bad has happened from looking at his facial expression; this makes the audience intrigued in wanting to know what has happened. Evidently, at 1:26- 1:40 majority of the shots being used are medium shots/medium close ups of the characters, which is effective because  the shots highlights their emotions in looking sad or happy and the times both of the main characters have shared together. However towards the end of the trailer the last shot at, 1:46- 1:48, close up is used on both characters faces as they look at each other in they eyes which really convey's to the audience they are in love. 

The film 'Psycho' is directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The beginning of the film trailer is really different to other trailers I have watched. From the start close up shot of a hand, a foot and shower curtains, which is slightly odd however keeps the audience appealed in watching it. Also, at 0:04,0:10 and at 0:18 point of view shot is used, which makes the audience feel as if they are in the position of that character. Also at 0:18 the point of shot used inside the car, going to a deserted house at the night creates mystery; the weather helps with his shot specifically, because it is during night, raining, looks quite because nobody is around therefore this creates more suspense as the audience would want to know where the character is going. Medium close up shot is of a women looking scared, confused in what she has seen at 0:11, this is effective because it creates tension. Moreover, at 0:15 over the shoulder shot is used of the male character talking to the women because she wants a job; from his clothing he looks like a businessman. Moreover, 0:26 shows a close up of an envelope with money inside on a car seat, which could be an important sign. At 0:43, medium close up of the female character inside the car driving is used to convey her looking scared and worried from her facial expression. This could suggest to the audience, that she is trying to run away from somebody. Similarly, a close up shot is used as well at 0:48-0:49, of the face of a  policeman looking serious at the female character in the car, as she looks terrified of him from her facial expressions. Furthermore, towards the end of the trailer the last shot at 1:27 is a extreme close up  of a male character eye looking through a hole, as if he is hiding from somebody or keeping an eye on a person. This shot last shot is effective on the audience, because it builds up tension in wanting to know what is happening or who is he looking at. 

Overall, personally I think the trailer of 'Psycho' is more effective compared to 'Like Crazy' because it includes different sharp camera shots which really creates the mood and atmosphere; also builds more suspense for the audience in making them more appealed in watching more of the trailer. However, I enjoyed watching the trailer of 'Like Crazy' because I am into those genre of films. Even though the trailer only focused on two characters, it made me feel connected to them because it made me feel as if I could feel their pain and happiness during the trailer in some of their shots, when they were upset or happy due to the close up/medium shots the female and male characters faces; which really captures their emotions. 

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Top Grossing Films.

(Below highlights the top grossing films currently, from the UK Box Office)

  1. Taken 2 is a Action/Thriller film and has been really popular this week with the total gross to date of £7,378,048 in the UK Box Office;which shows that the film has been a real success. The production company for this film, is 20th Century Fox, which is a well known film institution.
  2.  Looper - Action/Sci-fi/Thriller film with the grossing of £1,519,503 The production company for this film, is eOneFilms.
  3. Sinister - Horror/ Thriller film and the total gross for this film is £1,435,722. The production company is Momentum.
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Drama/Romance. Grossing total this week is £827,983
  5. ParaNorman - Adventure/Comedy. Rating score is 7.5/10. Total gross is £797,754
  6. The Campaign - Comedy film and the rating score is 6.4/10. Total gross for this film is, £389,287
  7. Brave - Adventure/Comedy - Total Gross is £304,735
  8. Resident Evil: Retribution - Action/Horror/ Sci-fi. Total gross is £286,350
  9. Untouchable - Drama/Action Total Gross is £245,343
  10. Hope Springs - Comedy/Drama/Romance. Total Gross is £190,860
Top 5 Grossing Films In 2011.

  1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2: £73,094,187
  2.  The King's Speech - £45,354,368
  3. The Inbetweeners Movie£45,027,396
  4. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: £32,906,879 
  5. The Hangover Part 11: £32,764,176

The date above, shows the top 50 UK grossing film in 2011 by genres. The two of the top 10 films were action/adventure films which are, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (4th) and Transformers 3 (7th). Moreover, 2011 was known as the 'Comedy Year'. This is because, comedy films beat action/adventure films as the second highest grossing genre. These four films made it into the top 10: The Inbetweeners MovieThe Hangover Part 2Bridesmaids and Johnny English Reborn.

Top 5 Grossing Films In 2010.

  1. Toy Story 3 £73,405,113
  2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 - £52,478,788
  3. Alice in Wonderland£42,169,542
  4. Inception - £35,264,403
  5. Shrek Forever After£31,106,087
The genres which I personally believe is currently most popular would be action and horror. This is because, most of the films that have been released this week fall into the category of action, such as 'Taken 2' which has become a massive hit in the UK, as well as the horror film 'Sinister'. This could be, because most people enjoy watching action and horror films, therefore more films of that genre are being released more, compared to romantic films. 

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Campaigns which have been banned.

Firstly, the article below is of a sofa advert which had been banned in the USA, because it was seen to be offensive due to it's closeness to the F-word, of the slogan; "Sofa King Low"
A few newspaper readers have complained about this advert because, they believed that the slogan "Sofa King Low" is offensive and not suitable for the public. Also, the 'Advertising Standard Authority" revealed that they took in count of "Sofa King Low" and understood  that it could be interpreted for the swear word, which the consumers are likely to be offended by. From this, the 'ASA' banned this advert, because the slogan is likely to cause serious controversy and complaints. In my opinion, I believe that it is good they banned this advert because, it is unsuitable for younger children who have seen this, and it might offend and as it gives a bad representation of the company who made this; they deserved it. 

Secondly, 'L'Oreal and Maybelline Make-Up Adverts' (shown below) have also been banned by the ASA. This is because, in the advert the two women have been airbrushed to make them look perfect; this misleads the audience. This is unsuitable because, to airbrush how they look gives the audience a false representation of the women. Moreover, Chief Executive of the ASA, Guy Parker stated"If advertisers go too far in using airbrushing and other post-production techniques to alter the appearance of models and it's likely to mislead people, then that's wrong and we'll stop the ads,"  This conveys, that airbrushing should not be used in any make-up adverts, because it gives a bad representation on the company and the product. 
Furthermore, this advert has caused a lot of controversy within the public because the Scottish Mp revealed "Pictures of flawless skin and super-slim bodies are all around, but they don't reflect reality," she said. "With one in four people feeling depressed about their body, it's time to consider how these idealised images are distorting our idea of beauty" Overall, I agree with this statement, because it does give a negative influence on younger girls who want to try and look like girls in these beauty adverts; therefore the ASA made a right decision to ban the advert. 

Thirdly, the advert 'Fathers4Justice' (image below) was banned by the ASA as the ad accused 'Mumsnet' website of labeling men as rapist and women beaters. The campaign "Fathers4Justice" held  a national press ad in March this year with the headline "Say it with hate this Mother's Day", alongside a picture of a toddler with negative words written all over his body. Moreover,  the ad highlighted to companies that Mumsnet claimed that online parents forum carried abusive anti-male content, which represented gender hatred towards men. However, the 'ASA' received 10 complaints that the advert made misleading claims which, was inappropriate. Also, the 'ASA' stated "We considered that whilst some users of the website had made negative comments about men in its forums, it was misleading of Fathers4Justice to imply through this ad that Mumsnet themselves had made or endorsed those comment"

Friday, 5 October 2012

Sound Presentation.

LR: Feedback On Presentation ( Saving TV Campaign)

LR:     (The 'saving TV campaign link' is posted separately, on my blog)

The positive thing about my campaign, was the concept I thought of. The concept, was based around the film Godfather, because in the film they are known as being reliable and  powerful, therefore I wanted to compare the TV as being dependable compared to any other E Media. In the campaign, we targeted a specific audience which was males from the age of 35-40, however to improve that, it would have been better to target males who were younger than 35. This is because, people younger than 35 have watched the film as well. Also, the print advert my partner came up with is well designed. This is because, it more better to design a print advert which is specific enough, does not include so many pictures and gets straight to the point, therefore the audience would know what the advert is about.
Below, I have posted two pictures which are: the storyboard of the campaign (my drawing is not great) and the print advert. (print advert is not printed in colour). Also, I have included a brief summary of what the storyboard is about, and why we chose the the layout, picture and font, etc for the print advert.
The image above, is the print advert me and my partner designed. It is a pretty simple layout, however it gets the point. 
As the image above is not in colour: 
The background of the print advert is white.
Logo, on the edge is in yellow and a shade of green.
The stars with the text written inside is in the colour blue and black.
Top is white, with black font for the writing and the heart is in blue, with a  black coloured TV inside. 
The reason why we picked these colours for our print advert is because it goes well with the background colour of white, making the central image stand out. The main image of a man wearing a top which says " I love TV" is effective because, it highlights what our campaign is mainly about. The title of our print advert, is in bold which makes it striking and straight away tells the audience what our campaign is about; persuading them TV is not dead it is still current in people's everyday lives. Also, the text in the three star shape boxes  are people's opinions on TV; saying how beneficial it is, because TV entertains us, when we are bored or need to relax. 

A brief outline of the TV advert storyboard above, is of a guy who can not decide whether to pick e-media such as the internet or TV.  In some of the shots, I have draw a TV and a computer which makes it look as if the computer and the television is fighting over him, making him pick one of them.