Saturday, 13 October 2012


The two film trailers I have chosen to analyse the cinematography is 'Like Crazy' (2008) and 'Psycho' (1960)

The film 'Like Crazy' fall under the genre of drama and romance. The start of the trailer is a medium close up shot of the female character. The medium close up t of the female character, allows the audience to see her facial expressions looking happy, whilst she is talking to the guy and also, show the audience her appearance, as she looks pretty. Straight after the shot of her, the camera changes and focuses on a medium close up as well of the male character, which conveys that there is a connection between both of them. This is effective, because by using two medium close up shots of the female/male character at the beginning of the trailer, highlights the the audience that they are the main protagonists of the film. Moreover, at 0:32 a establishment shot is used to convey to the audience the setting of that specific shot and also a long shot is used of both characters to show what they are doing; it also makes the shot seem romantic because they look as if they are enjoying each other company. At 0:34 a tracking shot is being used (not sure) to keep up with the characters action/movements also the medium shot on in this scene, keep the audience attention focused on both of the characters. Furthermore, at 0:44-0:49 a close up is used on both of the character faces, to convey their emotions as they look unhappy; it also changes the atmosphere as from the previous shot they are shown as being happy in each other company and now they are sad. 1:01 is a establishment/long shot, to show a change of scene. Also, at 1:06 medium close up is of both of the characters together conveying an intimate moment as they both look content and happy, with one another. Additionally, at 1:13 a long shot of both characters gives the audience a sense of happiness in some extent as they are together looking peaceful due to the beautiful setting which the camera focuses on just them both nobody else  However, the camera shot changes to a medium close up at 1:15, which could connote the connection between them as they both look at one another. At 1:17 of the trailer, a medium close up of the male character is effective because it shows that something bad has happened from looking at his facial expression; this makes the audience intrigued in wanting to know what has happened. Evidently, at 1:26- 1:40 majority of the shots being used are medium shots/medium close ups of the characters, which is effective because  the shots highlights their emotions in looking sad or happy and the times both of the main characters have shared together. However towards the end of the trailer the last shot at, 1:46- 1:48, close up is used on both characters faces as they look at each other in they eyes which really convey's to the audience they are in love. 

The film 'Psycho' is directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The beginning of the film trailer is really different to other trailers I have watched. From the start close up shot of a hand, a foot and shower curtains, which is slightly odd however keeps the audience appealed in watching it. Also, at 0:04,0:10 and at 0:18 point of view shot is used, which makes the audience feel as if they are in the position of that character. Also at 0:18 the point of shot used inside the car, going to a deserted house at the night creates mystery; the weather helps with his shot specifically, because it is during night, raining, looks quite because nobody is around therefore this creates more suspense as the audience would want to know where the character is going. Medium close up shot is of a women looking scared, confused in what she has seen at 0:11, this is effective because it creates tension. Moreover, at 0:15 over the shoulder shot is used of the male character talking to the women because she wants a job; from his clothing he looks like a businessman. Moreover, 0:26 shows a close up of an envelope with money inside on a car seat, which could be an important sign. At 0:43, medium close up of the female character inside the car driving is used to convey her looking scared and worried from her facial expression. This could suggest to the audience, that she is trying to run away from somebody. Similarly, a close up shot is used as well at 0:48-0:49, of the face of a  policeman looking serious at the female character in the car, as she looks terrified of him from her facial expressions. Furthermore, towards the end of the trailer the last shot at 1:27 is a extreme close up  of a male character eye looking through a hole, as if he is hiding from somebody or keeping an eye on a person. This shot last shot is effective on the audience, because it builds up tension in wanting to know what is happening or who is he looking at. 

Overall, personally I think the trailer of 'Psycho' is more effective compared to 'Like Crazy' because it includes different sharp camera shots which really creates the mood and atmosphere; also builds more suspense for the audience in making them more appealed in watching more of the trailer. However, I enjoyed watching the trailer of 'Like Crazy' because I am into those genre of films. Even though the trailer only focused on two characters, it made me feel connected to them because it made me feel as if I could feel their pain and happiness during the trailer in some of their shots, when they were upset or happy due to the close up/medium shots the female and male characters faces; which really captures their emotions. 

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