Thursday, 18 October 2012

Sound Presentation Feedback/LR

The music genre which I chose for my sound presentation was classical however, the images I used for the contrapuntal sound slide could of fitted into the category of parallel; for example, the two images of the girls on the contrapuntal sound. This is because, the music can be associated with tension and danger, as the pace begins to quicken and there was a lot of high notes and high tempo, which worked with some of scarier images. Also, the age of couple of contrapuntal images does go well, however I think it would of been better if I chose images from a younger generation, as it would of been a better combination. 

The things which I could of done differently would be:
  • To begin with giving a brief context of the music I had chosen.
  • Check if the images I had chosen was right under the category of parallel and contrapuntal.
  • To explain more why I had chosen that specific type of genre.

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