1)What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain.
Plan B's beliefs is he is passionate about helping children who are less fortunate therefore, he wants to make them feel motivated in order for them to become successful in their future. Also, from watching the TEDx lecture I learnt that he wants to be a father figure to children who have lost a parent or those who are not motivated to learn; this shows he is a good role model to look up to because, he believes in teenagers from deprived areas in becoming successful just like him. As the audience, we learn he got kicked out of school at the age of ten and the things he had common with other children at that age was they all did not have any respect for the authority and did not feel accepted by society. Furthermore, he understood why children behaved in a deviant way because, they were brought up by broken families and their parents made them feel that they were not good enough. Moreover, his politics views is he is against the government values as Plan B believes that they taken people taxes and do not use it for the right reasons and he wants more equality in society. One of his ideology is that he wants there to be more activity clubs for teenagers where they can go to and meet other children. This is effective approach as it would make them feel motivated which would get them of the streets. Also, he shows the audience that we should think again about how we judge ans treat the working class youth as it is not fair; alternative ideology.
2)Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films?
The target audience of the TEDx lecture are people who read the guardian news paper as there were journalist from the news paper in the lecture. The social economic classification for this group would me A/B, because they are known as having professional jobs with good pay. Also, the pyschographics group related to this would be aspirers because they are people who have more money or status compared to other people. Moreover, the demographics for this target audience would be white middle class people because, majority of people who work for the guardian newspaper are white and wealthy. This target audience is completely different to Plan B's music as film, because for this film he is targeting mostly teenagers/adults from the starting age of 18-27 year old due to the sexual content, heavy amount violence and drug taking; the certificate for the film was an 18. Where as, for his music I think Plan B targets teenagers from 15-18, because some of this songs promoting the bad things about what we should not do in society, e.g: smoking, taking drugs, violence ect therefore through some his music he shows the harmful effects of it.
3)What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panics
Plan B quotes "media demonises the youth" which conveys that the media leaves out the good things children from deprived areas does. He stated, people are too naive in believing everything that the media says is true. Also, he reveals to the audience that the word "CHAV" represents council housing and violence to him and Plan B highlighted that the word is unacceptable as people use it to label teenagers coming from deprived areas and who are from a working class youth; the word pushes teenagers out of society. This negative label is attached to this "demonising group" therefore it allows the rest of society to carry on treating then in this negative way. As a result, because the rest of society targets the working class youth always the demonised group accepts the negative label and behave in a deviant way, which is known as the self-fulfilling prophecy. This shows a dominant ideology as older people believe that majority of young teenagers from council estates are harmful because of the news they have heard on TV or in the newspapers. However, in this TEDx lecture Plan B is promoting a alternative ideology in telling the audience that we should think again about the working class youth. Moreover, this links to sociologist Stanley Cohen approach as he said deviant groups were known a being the Folks Devils. He based his theory on the media reporting conflicts between two teenager groups known as the Mods and Rockers. According to Cohen the media amplifies the trouble happen in society. This is because, when an event occurs the media decides to it is worth following this dramatic event. This leads to, connections made from one person to another therefore the whole of society knows about it; thus the public attention is focused on this result. Lastly, the media exaggerated the event/news making people in society worry even more causing a moral panic. An example of this would be the London Riots.
B. Look at the Ill Manors website. Spend some time exploring it, watching clips, reading etc. Then, on your blog, write a description/summary of all the features it includes, explaining how each one might engage/interest the potential target audience.
Firstly, the strap line "ON BLUE-RAY, DVD, DOWNLOAD AND ON-DEMAND NOW" is in a bold, clear and hard fitting font which is effective as it makes the audience aware that if you did not watch the film in cinema you would be able to watch it on DVD. This promotion is good as it is available to watch on the internet now as well as on DVD, which would make more people watch the film therefore the sales would rise. Also the colour white is used for the font which is good because it goes really well with the back ground colour, making the strap line stand out. Additionally, the tabs on the side of the website gives people/fans the opportunity to find out the latest information, watch the trailer, find out more about the film. For instance, the tab "Synopsis" allows people to find out about the narrative before they watch the film if they are interested in it or not. Where as, the tab "Album" is effective as people who are interested in the film or want to hear Plan B songs they would be able to listen to some of his songs and download them/buy the album from this website. This is an example of a synergy (a form of cross promotion) because, the website if also promoting Plan B album as well; shows they are using one form of media to promote another form of media.
Secondly, the tab of "Ben Drew" is effective for people because it gives a brief summary about Plan B. People would be able to find out important information such as, the realise date, when the single as out and his background information and what aspired him to make the film. The fact that he quoted what his vision was for the film and what he wanted to get out of it (meaning what he wanted the audience to see) is beneficial as it highlights he is passionate in making a change in society, especially to the working class youth. This would engage the audience because it might make them want to watch Ill Manors to see if it really reflects how society is like now which is what Ben Drew wanted to produce. Moreover, the website allows the audience to access pictures from the film which is under the tab "Still", this is good because it shows the audience the main characters in the film, so they are more aware. The fact that there is more that one character picture shown could suggest that the film is a multi-strand narrative; therefore it would have more than one narrative. Personally, I think the most effective feature of this website which would engage the audience would be the videos they can access to. This is because, they would be able to see the interviews with the characters of the film and what they think of the character they play and their perspective of the film. The last video is one of Plan B music video, which is good for the audience to listen to some of the music he produces and he also includes footage from the film in the music video which could engage the audience more.
Broadcast, Print and E-Media - ILL MANORS.
Above is the print advert for Ill Manors. The first thing people would look at straight away is the long shot of a male character, holding a guy, wearing a black jacket and jeans with a grey gap and looking worried. The fact that the print advert only shows this male character could connote that he is the main protagonist for Ill Manors. The propp used is of him holding a gun which would suggest he is danger due to his facial expressions looking worried or it could connote he is about to do something dangerous. This is because, a gun has mostly negative connotations such as death, blood; however, in some extent there could be positive connotation such as safety. Additionally, from his facial expressions as the audience we acknowledge that something is wrong as his focus is one something else due to his head being tilted side-ways and not looking directly to the camera; and the fact that he is not smiling/looking emotional less could suggest he is not happy. Additionally, his emotions which are conveyed through his facial expressions could link to his clothing as he is just wearing all black apart from the cap. This could connote, that the narrative of the film is going to mostly contain violence as the colour black is associated with death and evil. Furthermore, the male character has been represented as being dangerous due to the prop and from his clothing. This is because, stereotypically if older people see adults similar looking to the male character in the print advert and holding a gun straight away they are going to think he is dangerous and a threat to society therefore, they are going to stay away.
The typography used in this print advert is in a bold hard hitting, clear font which would clearly target a male audience. This is because, some print adverts which are targeted to females mostly use a girly font which would appeal to them and this print advert would not. Also, from the background colour which is dull and and the setting in council estate area clearly conveys that the film is mostly male dominated. Where as, a print advert targeting to female usually uses bright colours which would attract them and the print advert would defiantly not include a gun as that is known as being stereotypically a "guys thing". Furthermore, a very important code and convention is the information about the film which is always shown on every print advert. This is because, it allows the audience be aware of who the director is "A Ben Drew Film" the realise date, website (if they want to take an insight of the film website) ect. Also, the reviews include on the print advert is effective and beneficial as well in attracting more people to watch the film. This is because, it would show the audience that the film is worth watching as the reviews are from well known people or news paper companies therefore they might be engaged in watching it.
2)E-MEDIA (Website)

Firstly, the strap line "ON BLUE-RAY, DVD, DOWNLOAD AND ON-DEMAND NOW" is in a bold, clear and hard fitting font which is effective as it makes the audience aware that if you did not watch the film in cinema you would be able to watch it on DVD. This promotion is good as it is available to watch on the internet now as well as on DVD, which would make more people watch the film therefore the sales would rise. Also the colour white is used for the font which is good because it goes really well with the back ground colour, making the strap line stand out. Additionally, the tabs on the side of the website gives people/fans the opportunity to find out the latest information, watch the trailer, find out more about the film. For instance, the tab "Synopsis" allows people to find out about the narrative before they watch the film if they are interested in it or not. Where as, the tab "Album" is effective as people who are interested in the film or want to hear Plan B songs they would be able to listen to some of his songs and download them/buy the album from this website. This is an example of a synergy (a form of cross promotion) because, the website if also promoting Plan B album as well; shows they are using one form of media to promote another form of media. The institution company logos are shown at the bottom of the web page which is beneficial as it shows the audience the production companies which helped in making the film. The trailer is a important feature of Ill Manors, because by showing it on the web page straight away when people access the website it allows them audience to see if the film is worth watching or not. The main codes and conventions of a webpage would be: strap line, tabs, pictures, institution company logos, trailer, tabs on the side of the webpage or above (allows people to access different things such as interview, cast list, extra information ect)
Non- digetic sound is used throughout the entire trailer of a voice over of Plan B. The voice over of Plan B highlights he is the narrative of the film which is a original approach. The fact that he raps his music anchors the image as it makes it clear for the audience, therefore it is a preferred reading. Furthermore, montage editing is used through out this trailer which shows it is a non linear narrative in terms of the shots and fast pace and it is a multi-strand narrative as there is more than one narrative; effective in generating excitement for the audience.
Furthermore, the music used in the trailer is urban and up-beat which would appeal to the youths as they are mostly into rap/urban music, also the sound track is featured in the film which would appeal to the audience. This is known as synergy as Plan B is used his music to promote the film, also he promoted the film through his concerts and the album; effective promotion in getting more people in wanting to watch the film. Relating to theorist such as Medhurts the film includes many stereotypes such as, representing/stereotyping teenagers from deprived areas as being "criminals" or "deviant". This is a stereotype as many people in society assume or believe that, people from a working class background, who live in a council estate are going to be harmful to society, especially young adults. I think the film is targeting young adults from the starting age of 18-34, however it could appeal much more to the male audience. This is because, the film contains a lot of violence, sexual content, drug-taking ect which would appeal more to a male audience rather than females; even from the trailer as audience, we can tell that the film are going to include those three main things as it is a 18 certificate.
Furthermore, the music used in the trailer is urban and up-beat which would appeal to the youths as they are mostly into rap/urban music, also the sound track is featured in the film which would appeal to the audience. This is known as synergy as Plan B is used his music to promote the film, also he promoted the film through his concerts and the album; effective promotion in getting more people in wanting to watch the film. Relating to theorist such as Medhurts the film includes many stereotypes such as, representing/stereotyping teenagers from deprived areas as being "criminals" or "deviant". This is a stereotype as many people in society assume or believe that, people from a working class background, who live in a council estate are going to be harmful to society, especially young adults. I think the film is targeting young adults from the starting age of 18-34, however it could appeal much more to the male audience. This is because, the film contains a lot of violence, sexual content, drug-taking ect which would appeal more to a male audience rather than females; even from the trailer as audience, we can tell that the film are going to include those three main things as it is a 18 certificate.
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