Thursday, 17 January 2013

Progress Weekly Report - Tuesday 15th January 2013

Mis-en-scene Task.
After school as a group, we decided to scout for locations in Northolt and to take pictures of different locations we want to use in our production. This was helpful because, it allowed us to see if the locations would be good for our production and which location would be best suited. Also, Gagan contacted different people last week who decided to be part of our production which was very helpful therefore; after scouting for locations we took pictures of the people who will be included in our title sequence and in our scenes.

In Thursday double lesson, we will upload all of the pictures on to a word document and sort each picture under the heading of 'Character' and 'Location'. This would be useful because, as a group we will analyse each character and what their role is in our production. Where as, for the setting we will be analysing each location. Moreover, after we have completing this task as a group we will print out three copies each.

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