Thursday, 17 January 2013

Progress Weekly Report - Tuesday 8th January

Tuesday 8th January
Over the Christmas holiday I was completing all five tasks, which was set for homework in preparation for when we start filming. I found all of the tasks beneficial especially, Task 5 which was to write up the focus group discussion and Task 1 which was to read AQA guideline/advice/specification. This is because, listening to the focus group discussion over again made me think about our TV program which we are going to produce and how to make it better so it would appeal to our target audience. Where as, Task 1 was very useful in helping me know what the examiners are looking for/ how to get a top grade/ things you should include in both exam and coursework ect. In today lesson, I was completing Task 4 which was to research media institutions and channels such as Ch4, E4 and BBC. This task was useful as I researched different types of programs which are broadcasted on each of these channels therefore, when I begin producing my TV program it would be useful for our group to know which channel our program would be suitable on. 

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