Thursday, 17 January 2013

Progress Report Week - Thursday 10th January 2012

In our double media lesson today as a class we went through the pre-production tasks, discussing each one and making notes. This was helpful for everybody to know what the tasks required and how we should approach each one. After the discussion, we all went into the groups we are working with in our production and allocated the roles. In our group, we organised each of the roles between us based on what we will be good at: 

  • Gagan - producing the script
  • Anita - producing the storyboard
  • Myself - producing the shot list 
As a group, we decided to complete the mis-en-scene and the scheduling task together as it would be easier for all of us. This would mean, as a group we will be going out scouting for location together and taking pictures of characters involved in our production. Where as, the scheduling will require us all to make the decisions together about what we will be doing each day. Also, the contribution I made was after school I produced a schedule table on Edexcel which outlines what we have done each week and the day. Even though, we are completing the scheduling task as a group I will be keeping a record of what each person has done by typing it on the scheduling table on Edexcel. 

The deadline for the pre-production task is on the Thursday 24th January.

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