1) Reconsider the pychographics.
Firstly, the target audience of the TEDx lecture are people who read the guardian news paper as there were journalist from the news paper in the lecture. The social economic classification for this group would me A/B, because they are known as having professional jobs with good pay. Also, the psychographic group which is defiantly associated with this lecture would be Reformers. This is because, reformers are people who want freedom from restriction and as Ben Drew is challenging the dominate ideologies in society; reformers would agree with him as they want more equality as well.
2) Find more examples across platforms especially E-Media
Social Networking
On the Ill Manors website, the viewers are able to tweet or follow the film on Facebook and Twitter which highlights the concept of synergy. This is because, the film is being promoted through both of the successful social media's which is effective, as more people across the world would be aware of this film. Also, this follows the idea of a cross promotion as the website is promoting another form of media which is both of these social networks; where as the e-media, Facebook and Twitter is promoting the film as well. This is beneficial as it would allow fans to keep up to date with news, interview's latest gossip and even interact with the actress and actors in the film.
The picture above is a screen shot of Ill Manors Face Book page which highlights, that the film is a massive hit across people as the page received 22,971 likes and 240 "people are talking about this". The Facebook page is beneficial because, people can read more about the film, comment on it, watch Plan B Ill Manors song ect. Also, the DVD for Ill Manors is promoted as well on the Facebook which is effective, for people who want to watch the film or want to watch it again. Moreover, on the Facebook page they have put up the same print advert image of Ill Manors, to make the viewers more aware of the film. The first thing people would look at straight away is the long shot of a male character, holding a guy, wearing a black jacket and jeans with a grey gap and looking worried. The fact that the print advert only shows this male character could connote that he is the main protagonist for Ill Manors. The prop used is of him holding a gun which would suggest he is danger due to his facial expressions looking worried or it could connote he is about to do something dangerous. This is because, a gun has mostly negative connotations such as death, blood; however, in some extent there could be positive connotation such as safety. Additionally, from his facial expressions as the audience we acknowledge that something is wrong as his focus is one something else due to his head being tilted side-ways and not looking directly to the camera; and the fact that he is not smiling/looking emotional less could suggest he is not happy. Additionally, his emotions which are conveyed through his facial expressions could link to his clothing as he is just wearing all black apart from the cap. This could connote, that the narrative of the film is going to mostly contain violence as the colour black is associated with death and evil. Furthermore, the male character has been represented as being dangerous due to the prop and from his clothing. This is because, stereotypically if older people see adults similar looking to the male character in the print advert and holding a gun straight away they are going to think he is dangerous and a threat to society therefore, they are going to stay away. Furthermore, a important code and convention which is shown on the image is the name of the director "A Ben Drew Film". This is effective because, it makes viewers aware that Plan B a successful singer/rapper has directed this film.
Fan Video
The fan video above is of a girl who has posted up a video of herself on YouTube singing to Plan B song Ill Manors in front of her webcam. The fact that she posted up this video herself a year after the film was broadcasted highlights, the idea of free publicity which would be beneficial for the film company. This is because, it shows how much the film has had an impact on the audience and if the video gets a lot of views across YouTube then more people may make their own version video for the song Ill Manors. Also, the media platform this is associated with is E-Media which would be successful for younger adults such as teenagers.
The clip above is of MistaJam interviewing Plan B about his project 'Ill Manors' and his inspiration behind his music. The interview is part of the BBC Radio 1Xtra which is part of the broadcasting platform as it is being broadcasting through the radio. Also, BBC Radio 1 is aimed at 15-29 year olds although the average age of the audience is 33. It is a national radio station operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation and specialises in current popular music and chart hits through the day. This is effective, in promoting the film and Plan B music because, as it is a national radio station majority of people across the UK are likely to tune in and listen to it therefore, they would have an insight of his music and film. Moreover, at the beginning of the interview Ben Drew, highlights that making the film was a delicate process as they were attacking a serious issue therefore, they had to get everything right. He revealed, that the riots "sickened/disgusted" him and made him sad more than anything as, those kids involved in the issue made their own life much harder for themselves. Furthermore, from this interview as the viewers we can acknowledge how passionate he is of changing society/ helping those in needs as he states, the word "CHAV" (Council House and Violent) is used to represent younger children who are unfortunate and it is only used very publicly in the press. Followed from this, he wants to make people aware, that just because some individual are lucky to be born into a family which can afford things and give their kids a good education does not make them better then anyone it just makes them lucky. Ben Drew, made a important point he states "when you attack someone because of the way they talk, dress, music they listen to or their lack of education and you do it publicly makes it acceptable to do that" which is significant because, it makes those individuals who are being targeted feel unwanted/alienated from society. This is would make some teenagers begin to act in a delinquent/deviant way as in their perspective they see that society does not care about them. As the interview progresses, Ben Drew conveys that as a singer he wants to send a message to people and get "under their skins" as he feels that the subject or riots/ how working class people are treated is not "swept under the carpet". Plan B strongly believes, that this issue is really important and he wants to know how society is going to prevent it from happening again. This links to his music video, song, and the film of Ill Manors, because, he an artist want to send out a message to society as he genuinely want to change things and make a point. Additionally, Ben Drew has been brought up from a deprived area when we was young therefore, he understands what teenagers like him is going though and what to improve their life. He reveals, "a lot of these kids come from family/environment where, they are told that they are not good and so when they walk out the front door, society tells them the same thing, even when they read the newspaper or hear the word CHAV". This is effective, in making the viewers aware of the problems people are facing and how unfortunate kids are being treated as they feel unwanted. The film Ill Manors tackles varies of subjects which is described as being "horrific" by some of the audience which is Ben Drew agrees as it is suppose to be horrific because "that's life".
The print above is a newspaper article for the film Ill Manors which is written by Luke Brainbridge from The Observer however; published on The Guardian website. Luke BrainBridge, explains that the film is "an unapologetic, and at times unnerving and uncomfortable drama" suggesting, that the film highlights a vary of serious subjects which could make the audience feel shocked. Also, in the article there is a statement from Ben Drew about the film he quotes "A lot of people outside this environment don't believe it exists," he continues. "So in the film, rather than glamorise it, I'm trying to say to people this is the true, dark reality. This is what happens. It's not cool. No drug dealer really has the last laugh". This is effective because, it shows how passionate he is about making a change and Ill Manors is a true relfection of how society is therefore, showing people what things people go through and how hard it is for them. In some extent, the riots which took place in London inspired Ben Drew in making this film as The Guardian stated "the first great mainstream protest song in years" which clearly shows that the song Ill Manors is a anti-government protest song. Drew said in a statement: "If you're born into a family that's had enough money to educate you properly, you're privileged. You're not better than anyone else, you're just lucky. Certain sectors of middle England, not all of them, but the ignorant ones, need to wake up and realise that and stop ridiculing the poor and the less fortunate." The main image on the article, is of a group of girls wearing track suit bottoms, hat, long chains around their necks. The clothing is effective, because it could be a stereotype of how people think "CHAV" dress making them seem harmful.
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